Chapter 30: A Date With Sci-Twi

Start from the beginning

Twilight Sparkle: "It's been alright lately. I'm going to be an aunty soon." She said which surprised everyone, especially Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "Really? Our brother, well your brother has an girlfriend?" She asked curiously.

Twilight Sparkle: "Actually Shining Armor has an wife." She revealed which shocked Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "Who is it?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Princess Cadance." She said which made Sci-Twi gasp.

Sci-Twi: "Cadance?! The Cadance in Equestria is a Princess too and she married your brother?!"

Twilight Sparkle: "Yep, my Cadance is the niece of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and she is the current ruler of the Crystal Empire." She said which completely shocked Sci-Twi.

Sci-Twi: "Whoa! That's a lot to take in. I can't believe the Equestria versions of my brother and the dean-now-principal of my former school are married and going to have a child." She said. 'Now that I think about, I sometimes see Shining Armor and Cadance hanging out a lot back at Crystal Prep and Cadance did say she was interested in someone and it could be my brother. I wonder if my brother and Cadance will get together.' She thought.

Applejack: So what else is goin' on in Equestria Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Well I've hanging out with my friends in Equestria and I'm teaching my new student some magic and a few friendship lessons."

Sunset Shimmer: "Oh yeah you have a new student. What was her name again?"

Twilight Sparkle: "Her name is Starlight Glimmer and you might like her Sunset. She is like what you used to be when you changed, someone who wants to right the wrongs she had done and become a better person."

Sunset Shimmer: "I would like to meet her one day."

Sci-Twi: "Um can I ask you girls something?"

Sunset Shimmer: "What is it Sci-Twi?"

Sci-Twi: "When you said that you were all okay with F/N getting more girlfriends in his harem, did you really mean it?" She asked.

Sunset Shimmer: "We did as long as F/N can spend enough with all of us and those girls who are interested in F/N must have the same feelings of love we do."

Twilight Sparkle: " you have feelings for F/N?" She asked her counterpart who looked down with an slight blush.

Sci-Twi: "I do. I'm in love with F/N." She admitted.

Rarity: "Darling when did you realize your feelings?"

Sci-Twi: "Well it began when we first met. I was in the bookstore, reading an science book when F/N approached me and he wanted to talk to me because he said he noticed me being lonely and when we again at the Friendship Games, he told me to come and talk to him whenever I felt lonely and he's being helping me getting used to being at a new school." She explained.

Sonata Dusk: "That's our F/N for ya. He knows how to make you feel safe, warm and fuzzy." She said which made everyone else nod in agreement.

Applejack: "So Sci-Twi, since ya have feelings for F/N, just tell him how ya feel."

Sci-Twi: "I don't know. I mean he is dating the other me here." She said unsure.

Twilight Sparkle: "Sci-Twi, I'm sure F/N will accept your feelings and we are the same person but we are also completely different."

Fluttershy: "F/N did say that and he did say you are perfect in your own way."

Sci-Twi: "I got another question, do your families know that your in a harem?"

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