"I hope James get the treatment he needs." said Seth.

"I hope so." replied Jerich.

Jerich got on his sleeping bad and slept.  Seth was still wide awake and decided to take a stroll outside the tent. There were hundreds of other tents in the dock with survivors living inside. I saw a black diesel shunter being sent into the warehouse. Seth was quite suspicious about it because the diesel had no damages on him. He decided to get into a ventilation system outside the warehouse.

He sneakily crawl in the ventilation system and look outside of the vent below to see James getting the treatment. Seth sigh in relief knowing his engine is fine and well but suddenly he heard a noise from the other area. He crawl to that area only to look below a diesel shunter. It was Diesel or known by his nickname, "Devious" Diesel. He was grumbling and was telling the guards to get him out. Viktor Hanz came out from the door and came to meet the Diesel in person.

"Isn't it the Devious Diesel." said Viktor Hanz to the diesel.

"Get me out of this warehouse. I hate to be in this filthy warehouse and I want to not see your face either." said Diesel crossly.

"You know. You are not different from the other Diesels. Diesel 10, Harold, Herbert. Just undisciplined engines. I thought you diesels are the future as they say, but all you prove is that diesels are PRIMITIVE!" said Viktor Hanz to the diesel, not fearing anything.

"What did you say? About MY DIESELS being PRIMITIVE?! You are getting my engine running!" said Devious Diesel angrily after hearing Viktor remarks.

Before Diesel could lash out, a complex contraption would lock the Diesel wheel to the ground and machinery would hook onto Diesel.

Diesel face quickly turned from an angry face to a scared look.

"What is going on?! What is this thing hooking me up?!" screamed Diesel but nobody can hear his cry outside the warehouse besides Seth. He could only look in horror as Diesel was forced with goggles that hooked on the Diesel face and all Seth could hear was screaming. 

After the horrifying sight, he want to get out from the vent before the guards could find him

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After the horrifying sight, he want to get out from the vent before the guards could find him. On the way he accidently dropped a sweat onto the floor but he didn't realize this and only keep crawling until he got out from the ventilation system.

He put back the vent on and ran back to the tent while sneakily avoiding the guards. He entered his tent and catch his breath. Seth was shooked about the sight and decided to sleep to forget about it. All he could think was the Diesel plea and soon he slept.

It was the next morning, all the survivors that was sleeping in the tent woke up and head for their first routine. They all collect their foods and eat at their respective tents. Jerich and Seth was eating in their tent when they got name called by the guard. They told that it was their red engine.

Jerich and Seth exit the tent to the yard to see James the Red Engine in normal condition. They were delighted to see James back to it's normal condition and went to hug the red engine. James was happy that his driver and fireman came here to treat him.

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