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"you didn't deny it."


"yes, we are dating. now can you leave us alone." marcus announced

"YES YES YES. you guys don't actually understand how long i have been waiting for this to happen." i said after doing a small dance around my hotel room. i am currently on facetime with kendall and marcus and they're telling me the "big news" and i am pretending i didnt already know because kendall told me yesterday...

"anywaysss.. how was the date with jude?" marcus said smirking at me. "it wasn't a date, mashy. simply two people meeting up with each other." i reasoned. "that both have a mutual attraction for each other." "shut up" ok if it really is not anything... how did the date end?" kendall asked jumping in. "you too kenny? marcus you are having a bad influence on her." "stop changing the subject and tell us what he said."

"well he told me we are going on a date tonight." "he loves you oh my days." marcus said. "what?" "he told you. not asked. he told you that you were going on the date. yep, you're in." kendall agreed.

as much as i didn't want to get my hopes up, i couldn't help it. marcus knows jude very well and kendall is my number one relationship advice go to. hopefully they're right..


"when can i meet this girl?" my mum asked me as she placed the dinner at the dining table. every sunday night we have a family dinner. even though i live on my own i will always come home for family dinner, obviously not when i'm out of the country though. my family moved to dortmund when i got offered the transfer, as i was only 17 at the time. my younger brother, jobe plays for birmingham city, and it is difficult to manage but we do.

"mum, it wasn't even a date, today. just us hanging out, i guess." i tried to tell her. "jude. you haven't told me about a girl ever, there must be something different about this one." "she has a point, jude. not even that girl you dated a few years back. you only told us about her after you had been dating for like 6 months." my dad cut in. "i just had a good time, today, that's the only reason i told you guys." i tried.

"only you could pull a jenner and be nonchalant about it." my brother, jobe grinned making me smack his arm. "she wouldn't like me." "SO YOU DO LIKE HER." jobe yelled pointing a spoon at me. "shut up jobe." i murmured. "you didn't deny it. HE DIDN'T DENY IT." i just shook my head at him taking another bite from my pasta.


i pulled my phone out of my pocket to see what the notification was.


kaia 🤍

hey jude 🤍
wanted to just say how much fun i had today xx

my heart warmed.


i threw my phone across the room after i sent that message. i am not that bold. i would never have normally sent it, if it weren't for marcus telling me that is what guys like. god, this is so unlike me.

he's typing.

holy shit.


jude 🤍

hey jude 🤍
wanted to just say how much fun i had today xx

me too
looking forward to tomorrow night ;)

speaking of
where are we going?

a restaurant

is that really all you will tell me


i hate you

you love it xx

how do you know that?

i know everything

like santa?

way to ruin the moment

you love it xx

i do
now go to sleep you must be jet lagged as hell

i am
but i dont want to sleep


i want to talk to you

and i want to talk to you
but not if you're grumpy tomorrow
because you haven't had enough sleep

that's not very nice mr jude bellingham

ok miss kaia jenner

goodnight <3

goodnight <3
read at 10:46pm

i turned my phone off and giggled slightly to myself, burying my face in my pillow.

i dont think that could have gone any better.

@kaiajenner via instagram story

@kaiajenner via instagram story

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@judebelligham replied

i thought you were going to sleep😏


this is very much a filler chapter, and it is very short.

i am very sorry indeed.

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