Breaking Away

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Hi friends,

Here is the next part .. Thank you so much for the votes & comments on previous parts.. 😊 Happy reading..

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Madhu was walking to the bedroom when she hears the main door opening, she turns back & sees Rk entering to the hall .. He sees Madhu & goes towards her smiling happily..

"Madhu, I have a surprise for you.."He tells her grinning in merry..

"What's it?"Madhu asks him curiously..

"Guess who's my co-model in my next photoshoot.."Rk tells beaming..

"Who..??"Madhu asks confused.. He seemed so happy & excited to work with this model..

"Madhubala Malik.."Rk tells excitedly shocking Madhu..

"Yes, darling.. You only.."Rk tells her smiling..

"Rishu, tum bhi na.. Stop joking & say what's the good news..??"Madhu asks him & Rk looks at her smiling "I'm not kidding, Madhu.. You're gonna be my co-model in my next photoshoot.." hearing him Madhu looks at him wide eyed in shock.. "Are you really serious?". Rk chuckles seeing her expression "I'm 100% serious.."

"What.. No!!"She almost shouted..

"What, Madhu? What's wrong?"Rk asks her slightly confused.. He knew she would be shocked & surprised to hear this but he didn't expect her to be this shocked..

"No, Rishu.. I can't do it I will mess it up.."Madhu tells frantically..

"No, Madhu.. I'm very sure you will be able to do it or I wouldn't have asked you.."Rk tries to make her understand ..

"I don't know 'abc' of modelling .."Madhu tells him getting worked up..

"It's just photoshoot.."Rk tells her calmly ..

"It's the same only.."Madhu tells him..

"No, it is not.. You don't have to say any dialogue or act just give some poses ok & I will be there na.."Rk tells her trying to make her understand..

"No, Rishu.. I'm no professional model & wait did you say that you suggested me..??"Madhu asks suddenly remembered what he had said just a few seconds back.. Hearing her Rk gives her a sheepish smile as he tells "Ya, I did.." "Why?!"Madhu asks him angrily with hands on her hips "You want me to get embarrassed in front of so many ppl..?"

"No.. My co-model for this photoshoot had a fall today morning & fractured her leg.. She can't work for 2 weeks at least & we can't prolong this for that long.. This meeting was arranged for discussion on replacement but signing a new model in such less time is impossible.."Rk tells her..

"Why didn't you suggest Ayesha then? She's here & she's also a model a well known model actually then why didn't you suggest her instead?"Madhu asks him thoughtfully..

"Ayesha is here on a vacation, Madhu..I didn't want to disturb her.."Madhu looks at him suspiciously not believing that's the only reason.. Seeing the I-don't-believe-you looks Madhu was giving him he tells "Ok, that's not only the reason.. I wanted you there & I will be really happy if agree to do this.."he tells by giving her the best puppy dog look.. Finally signing Madhu gives in"Ok, but if I mess up it's on you.. Don't blame me.."She warns him.. Rk gives her a big smile hearing that "You're such a sweetheart" he pecks on her lips making her blush..

"Were you bored? Sorry, Madhu I didn't expect this meeting to go this longer.."Rk tells her regretfully.. "No, Rishu.. Actually I didn't realize how soon the time passed.. I took a tour around the resort & even got a company.."Madhu tells smiling at him..

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