Chapter 5: Trip down the East Coast

Start from the beginning

Alex: "Sure, why not." he said.

The group played for a couple hours as the other ships passed the time and the other more veteran Commanders discussed business. The coach our group specifically was in was arranged in this sense.

 The coach our group specifically was in was arranged in this sense

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So everyone faced each other. An hour or 2 into the trip the Class 46 was making good time and the game was still going, now it was Luna's turn.

Alex: "Alright Andy, Truth or Dare?" he asked.

Andy: "Truth, definitely truth." he responded.

The group either chuckled or groaned, the game was slow without dares.

Alex: "Alright, have you jerked off to anyone here?" he asked.

Andy: "No! Gross! And why did you ask that with the Destroyers here?!" he yelled.

Doc: "Don't worry, I censored swear words and stuff." he said.

Alex: "So if I say, *rapid bleeping* the Destroyers won't hear it?" he asked

Unicorn: "Big Brother? Why were there so many bleeps?" she asked as she entered the coach, "It woke me up."

Doc: "Oh I'm sorry Unicorn." he said.

Lion grabbed the Light Carrier and walked into the coach behind which was arranged in a different manner, inside the carriers, battleships, and heavy cruisers conversed among themselves in this format of coach.

Lion grabbed the Light Carrier and walked into the coach behind which was arranged in a different manner, inside the carriers, battleships, and heavy cruisers conversed among themselves in this format of coach

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Back in the other coach the game went on.

Andy: "Alright Aish, Truth or Dare?" he asked.

Laurien: "Mm.......Dare." she replied.

A collective 'ooh' went through the nearby passengers including the Destroyers (Ayanami, Laffey, Z23, Javelin, Tashkent, Libeccio, and Le Terrible).

Andy: "Ok, I dare you to......" he trailed off, thinking of a suitable dare, "to kiss the person or ship you find the most attractive on this train."

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