In Sickness and in Health (pt 1)

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Intro/Summary-- Eddie has been feeling sick over the last few months but with Jamie's work promotion and trying to take the detectives exam, she blows it off as stress. It's not until she passes out while on shift with Badillo, he rushes her to the hospital and calls Jamie. How will they cope when they get the diagnosis news about Eddie's health?
Rated PG13. Mature themes
Authors note: this is a personal story for me. Eddie's diagnosis is something that I actually live with daily and I know several friends who have it as well. It varies in severity like all diagnosis.
I just don't talk about it. I was diagnosed around thirteen (now in my late 20's). My diagnosis is mild. (I am making Eddie's be medium in how severe it will be)
I live a full normal life with medication, and most people don't even know I have it...
but the road to the diagnosis can be scary and unsure as Doctors aren't always sure of what's wrong at first and often miss diagnose or don't diagnose at all.
Usually you are diagnosed in your teens and early twenties but you can be diagnosed as late as thirty (as thats how old a friend of mine is).

It had been another long day and Eddie was exhausted and had a migraine. She's been getting more migraines recently and has been feeling fatigued but she hasn't wanted to worry Jamie with his new job promotion so she said she's had an on and off flu.
Eddie and Badillo were almost finished with their tour when they were filing paperwork. Eddie went and stood up from her desk and almost passed out
"woah, Janko" Badillo said trying to catch her
"I'm fine.... I just haven't eaten since lunch" she said
She went to stand again and this time fell into Badillo's arms
"alright I'm taking you to the ER" he said
"I'm fine, just give me a minute" she said
"Eddie you've been sick for months now. You've played it off as a cold or flu or a migraine. Have you told Jamie at all you've been sick?" he asked
"no he's stressed enough. I'm fine" she said
"Eddie you are not fine. Jamie will kill me if I don't take you to the ER. I'm filing my last piece of paper and we are going" he said
"just sit down until I'm done" he said
Badillo waited outside of the locker room and Eddie had enough strength to change out of her uniform but by the time they got to the hospital, Badillo had to carry her in
"Badillo I'm fine" she kept saying
"Eddie I am literally carrying you" he said
"I need some help!" Badillo said
"bring her in here" a nurse said
"what are your names?" The nurse asked
"I'm Luis Badillo, this is my partner Eddie" he said
"has your wife been feeling ill for a while?" she asked
"oh Eddie's not my wife, I mean she's my work partner. We were leaving the precinct and she almost passed out. She kept saying she was fine but, I ended up carrying her in here because she was so weak" Badillo said
"Eddie how long have you been ill?" the nurse asked
"a while... is it me or is it freezing in here?" Eddie asked
"someone can get you a warm blanket it in a minute. Can you try to sit up and let me take some vitals?" the nurse said
"I've got you, come on" Badillo said helping her sit up
"how long have you been feeling sick?" the nurse asked
"a while. My husband and I are cops, he just got promoted and I have been saying it's stress" Eddie said
"she also has been getting migraines, I give her excdrin and advil every now and again" Badillo said
"you're blood pressure is lower then we'd like it to be, so I'll have someone come in and do some lab work on you okay? And I'll bring you a blanket" she said
"thanks" Eddie said
"I think now it's time we call Jamie" Badillo said
"no he doesn't get off until eight. It's only six" she said
"Eddie look at you. You can barely sit up and you're freezing to death" he said
Finally after Eddie got her blanket, Badillo called Jamie
"hey sorry to bother you but um... something happened at work today" Badillo said
"what happened? Is Eddie okay? Are you okay?" Jamie asked
"I'm fine, Eddie is ummm in the hospital currently. Not a work injury. She's been sick for months but hiding it. Today she almost collapsed. I carried her into the ER" Badillo said
"oh my god" Jamie said
"she's okay though right? They gave her some meds?" Jamie asked
"I don't know. We're waiting on lab work" Badillo said
"tell her I will be there in less then an hour, or sooner" Jamie said
"can you stay with her until I get there?" Jamie asked
"sure, I wasn't planning on leaving" he said
"thank you. Tell Eddie I love her" Jamie said
"I will. Just drive safe" Badillo said
When Badillo went back into the room the phlebotomist was there taking several vials of blood. Eddie was turned away with a nervous look on her face and Badillo tried to keep her calm
"almost done. You're doing great" the lady said
"Jamie's coming" Badillo said as he sat beside her
"and we're done. Small pinch to take it out" she said
"just leave this bandage on for fifteen minutes okay?" she said
"thanks" Eddie said
As the phlebotomist left Eddie looked like she wanted to cry so Badillo went to hold her
"I know I'm not Jamie, but I'm here" he said
"I can't do this by myself" she said
"hey, you're gonna be fine Eddie" he said
"you can't promise me that" she said
"just don't leave me" she said
"I'm not going anywhere" he said as he hugged her

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