New Family Member

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Intro/summary--  Jamie and Eddie were celebrating their one year anniversary and were already talking about a family but Jamie surprises her at dinner with another gift
•Rated PG•

It was a quiet evening at the Reagan apartment when Eddie started talking about their future
"Eddie I thought you said you didn't want kids" Jamie said
"I don't know, I thought it might be sort of nice... I mean didn't you want a family?" she said
"yea but I thought we were waiting" he said
"we're both working, and neither of us are home much" he said
"I just thought you'd be more excited" she said
"Eddie I want kids with you more then anything but I just don't know if right now is the right time. I just became Sergeant less then a year ago, and I know you're trying to move up too" he said
"whatever Jamie" she said sort of discouraged
"Eddie come on" he said
"I'm not getting any younger Jamie" she said
"Eddie you're only in your mid thirties. You're plenty young enough to be a Mom. Some woman are even forty" Jamie said
"yea but what about the health risks? I want our baby to be healthy... and if I miss carry? I know my Mom did before she had me" she said
"lets sit on the idea for a week or so, and then if you really want to start trying, we can" Jamie said
"really!?" she said smiling
"really, but right now it's late and we both have day tours so I think we should go to bed" Jamie said
"I love you" she said
"I love you too" he said as he gently kissed her

         Almost a week goes by and they're both still on board with having kids but on Sunday it wasn't just an ordinary Sunday family dinner. It was also their one year anniversary. They had agreed to not to gifts but Jamie still had a surprise in mind. They arrived at the family dinner and they had balloons and a "Happy Anniversary" banner hanging in the dining room along with a large cake on the table
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!" they all shouted when they came into the house
"you guys!!!" Eddie said with a big smile as she hugged everyone
"can't believe you've survived being married to my brother for a year" Danny laughed
"hey!" Jamie said
"I'm just kidding!" Danny said
"congrats little bro" he said
"best year so far" Jamie said as he kissed Eddie
"oh gross you know we're going to be eating" Nikki laughed
"lets keep the meal talk PG13" Henry laughed
"alright alright" Jamie said
"well I'm starving how about you guys?" Erin said
"yea me too" Eddie said
"you're always hungry" Jamie laughed
         They all sat around the table and Jamie was the one who said grace.
"so how's the first year been? Still in the honeymoon face?" Erin asked
"it's been pretty amazing" Eddie said
"she's okay" Jamie said
"hey!" Eddie laughed as she playfully smacked him
"it was tough at first with Eddie stuck working midnights but it's easier now with our schedules moved around" Jamie said
"yea and that first Sergeant I had hated me" Eddie
"how could anyone hate you?" Sean asked
"she got better but it was still weird" Eddie said

       As they ate they sat and talked and laughed  and then they served the cake that said 'Happy Anniversary- Jamie and Eddie Reagan!!'
"this cake is amazing" Eddie said
"did you guys do anything special?" Erin asked
"we went to dinner last night but we both agreed on no major gifts" Jamie said
"plus Jamie's done pretty good at making up for not having a gift... if you know what I mean" Eddie laughed
"we're still eating!" Danny laughed
"what happened to PG13?" Henry asked
"okay sorry, I had to go there" she said as she laughed
"well I did have one more surprise. Erin can you?" Jamie said
"oh yes I didn't forget" Erin said
"Jamie we said no presents!" Eddie said
"just make it up to me later" Jamie smirked
         Erin finally came back from the basement carrying a large box and a card
"Jamie that's huge!!" Eddie said
"open the card first" Jamie said
        Eddie opened the card and it was a beautiful anniversary card
'Dead Eddie, I love you more then words can express. You're kind heart and compassion for other people and animals amazes me everyday. I thought of you when I read about those beagles they rescued from the labs so I donated one thousand dollars to help them. I also got you something that wasn't that expensive but I thought you'd like it.
Love, Jamie
(ps I wrote and got this before we started talking about a family)

"so what'd the card say?" Henry asked
"did you really do the is Jamie?" she asked
"yea I did" he said
"he donated money to help those beagles because he knows how much I love dogs" she said
"awww thats so sweet Uncle Jamie" Nikki said
"whats in the box?" Sean asked
"I don't know she'll have to open it and find out" Jamie said
         Eddie got up from the table and she thought the box was more sealed then it was but it popped right open and all of a sudden a little baby Beagle stuck it's head out
"No!!!!" Eddie squealed
"NO Jamie you didn't!?!?" she said
"no he's yours. He needs a name" Jamie said
"he's been living here the last week, I had to pick him up a few days ago. That's why I was late coming home from work" Jamie said
"Jamie!!! He's so sweet" Eddie said
"hi sweetheart" Eddie said
"he's one of the rescued ones. He's never had any of the testing yet. He was bred for it though" Jamie said
"ohhhh, hi sweetheart" she said
"I've always wanted a dog" Sean said looking at Danny
"no absolutely not!!" Danny said
"hi sweetie" Eddie said as she picked him up
"do you have a name in mind?" Erin asked
"I don't know he's so cute though" she said as she rocked him like a baby
"what about Jamko?" Erin asked
"we are not naming him that!" Jamie laughed
"why not? That's  cute!" Eddie said
"I think Snickers like the candy bar is cute" Eddie said
"Snickers is good" Jamie said
"well welcome to the family Snicker's Reagan" Frank said

      They stayed for a few more hours and Jamie was sitting on the back deck as he watched Eddie, Erin, Nikki and Sean all play with Snickers
"I think it's good Eddie's tiring him out" Jamie said to Frank
"yea, Sean had a big help in taking care of him for you this week" Frank said
"I got him before Eddie and I started talking about kids" Jamie said
"maybe this will keep her busy" Jamie said
"you two will be wonderful parents" Frank said
        Finally after two hours Snickers was tired so they decided to head home. Eddie had Erin take a few photos before they left now that he was calmer. They thanked everyone and hugged goodbye and Eddie held Snickers on the car ride home as he slept
"does he already have a bed?" she asked
"yea I got him a nice big comfy bed to go in his crate with a blanket" Jamie said
"I really wasn't expecting this at all" she said
"is he everything you thought of when wanting a dog?" Jamie asked
"he's perfect" she said

        It was late so they let Snickers out before heading to their apartment. Jamie got his cage out and sat it in the corner of their room.
"goodnight sweetie I'll see you tomorrow" Eddie said
       They both changed into their pajama's and went to bed
"thank you for today" Eddie said
"you're welcome... I love you" he said
"I love you too" she said
"can I make up for not getting you a gift?" she asked as she kissed him
"okay but you can't be loud and wake up your new puppy" Jamie said
"I'll be quiet" she said
        They kissed each other passionately and he slowly began to remove her clothes. Her body began to tingle when she felt him touch her. She had to admit, being quiet was going to be a challenge. She smiled as he kissed her, just enjoying the night and enjoying the pleasure.


Hey guys,
Sorry for being gone so long. Been a weird last few weeks.
Anyway-- It's sort of short but I wanted to do a happy Jamko story and since they never do birthdays or anniversaries I thought I'd do one!

Please like/vote, comment and follow! No silent readers. Any reviews are always appreciated 💜

Jamie and Eddie 'Jamko' One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now