Missing You

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Intro/Summary--  Witten and Janko are called to a job and respond to anonymous tip about a murder- it's a normal day on the job u til they realize who the suspect is
•story Rated PG•

      It was a slow day and there was a nice steady rain as Officer Janko and Officer Witten patrolled the streets of New York
"1013 we have a male in his late sixty's, murdered on the scene. Multiple stab wounds" the radio said
"1013 this is Officer Janko, responding" Eddie said
"finally some action today" Officer Witten said turning the sirens on
"you're happy some poor old man died?" Eddie asked
"no, I just mean I'm happy we finally made a caller today. Sucks about the guy though" she said
       They arrived on the scene and there was another car already there and the area had been taped off. It was now pouring down rain as well. Witten got first and another officer, Jordan approached her
"keep Janko off the scene" he said
"what why?" Witten asked
"just keep her off the scene" he said
"what have we got?" Eddie asked
"uh Janko you and Witten should go. We've got this" Jordan
"but it was our caller, so move" Eddie said
       Eddie pushed through the people and then her heart stopped and she let out a piercing  scream
"no!" she screamed
"how long has he been gone!?" Eddie screamed
"since we got here" Jordan said
"no, come on! No!" Eddie cried as she fell to the ground
"who is it?" Witten asked
"her Dad" Jordan said
"oh god" Witten said
"Eddie, come on honey" Witten said, as a friend not a partner
"no I'm not leaving him!" Eddie cried
"Not until the bus comes anyway" she said
"Eddie" Witten tried to pull her away but she refused and continued crying
"Daddy I'm so sorry" Eddie said
"I'm sorry, I love you" she said
"Janko you're messing up a crime scene" Jordan said
"he's my father you son of a bitch! Get off me!" Eddie screamed
"okay Eddie, come on. You're causing a scene" Witten said
"I don't care! I can't lose him! I know he's done bad things okay? But he's my Dad!" Eddie cried
         Eddie got back on the ground and was drenched in rain as she cried by her Dad's side. She tried cpr a few times even though she knew it was useless. Finally twenty minutes later and another car shows up, Jordan had called Jamie
"I just got the call where is she?" Jamie asked
"over there" Jordan said
"Eddie" Jamie said gently
"Eddie come on" he said
"Jamie?" she said
"come on Eddie you're soaked, lets get you dry" he said
"I don't care about the rain Jamie! I'm staying!" she said
"Eddie please come on" he said
"just go away. I'm not leaving" she said
"I'm not leaving him alone" she said
"Eddie" he said
"I said no Jamie!" she screamed
          Eddie was holding her Dad's cold hand and crying on his shoulder
"come on" Jamie said
"no, Jamie! Jamie, nooo!" She cried when he picked her up
"No! Please! No!" she cried
       Witten watched as her partner broke odown and Jamie had to carry her off the scene. She was crying and screaming hysterically when he finally got her to the car
"Eddie breath. You're gonna give yourself a heart attack" he said
"Jamie!" She cried
"I know, I know" he said comfortingly
"the last thing I said to him was that I never wanted to talk to him again" she said
"he knows you loved him Eddie" Jamie said
"come on lets get you home okay?" he said
        The car ride home was silent except for Eddie's sobs which turned into small whimpers and cries. Jamie would every now and then reach over to hold her hand. She finally had calmed down enough by the time they got home.
"why would someone hurt him? Do you think it was revenge?" She asked
"I don't know, but we'll find the person. I promise" Jamie said as he took her wet jacket and hung it up
"I'm gonna go shower and change" she said
"okay. Want any food?" Jamie asked her
"yea anything's fine" she said
        Eddie went upstairs and took a shower and cried softly to herself again. She knew she hadn't spoken to her Dad very often, but deep down she did love him. He had made her a happy kid up until she had been eighteen.
       She finally turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around herself and went to get some clean clothes. She threw on one of Jamie's tshirts and a pair of shorts
"you okay?" he asked her when she came down
"yea I guess" she said
"I know you probably think it's stupid I lost it so bad back there considering half the time my Dad and I don't speak but... we respond to those calls every day and when it's someone you know. Especially your parent. I don't know it just hits you differently" she said
"yea I get it. Trust me I do. I was a mess after Joe died" Jamie said
"I can't imagine finding a parent that way. I'm so sorry Eddie" he said
"I just wish I could've talked to him one last time you know? Apologized for our fights. Try to make amends" she said as they sat down and started eating their spaghetti and meatballs
"Eddie he loved you and you loved him. You both knew that" Jamie said
"I'm here for you okay? For whatever you need" he said
"thank you.... I love you, Jamie" she said
       They finished eating and Jamie was doing the dishes when there was a knock on the door
"I'll get it" Eddie said
"Rachel" Eddie said
"hi, I came to check on you. I hope you don't mind" she said
"it's okay" Eddie said
"Eddie I'm so sorry" she said as she hugged her
"it's okay, thanks" Eddie said
       They hugged for a while and it was nice having a friend.
"I'm here for you, both of you. Whatever you need" she said
"thanks Rachel it really means a lot" Eddie said
"have you gotten any leads yet?" Eddie asked
"uh a few. Most of them are assumptions about revenge for the fraud" she said
"I want to work the case" Eddie said
"Eddie you know you can't" Rachel said
"fine but please update me every two seconds, I mean it" Eddie said
"I will trust me" she said
"are you sure you two are okay tonight?" Rachel asked
"we're okay. Thanks Rachel" Jamie said
"I'll be okay. I'll be back in tomorrow" Eddie said

      Rachel left and they spent the night curled up on the couch until Eddie fell asleep.
"Eddie, Eddie wake up" he said gently
"what?" she asked startled
"you fell asleep" Jamie said
       They turned the tv off and went to bed after what turned into a long exhausting day. Jamie took off jeans and Eddie put on a tank top and shorts and they climbed into the bed and she cuddled onto his chest
"try and get some sleep. I'm right here okay?" he said
She leaned in and kissed Jamie gently and then wrapped her arms around him and tried to fall asleep.


This was sort of short but I hope you liked it! Sorry for absence this last week. I will be writing more, I promise.

If you have any prompt ideas, be sure to shoot me a message or comment 🙂
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Jamie and Eddie 'Jamko' One shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora