Best Friends

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Intro/summary-- Jamie and Eddie are best friends at the Academy- However Jamie hates her boyfriend, Skip. Eddie tries to convince Jamie that he's a good person until one night at a party something happens to her. How will Jamie react when he finds out she's been hurt and how will Eddie cope?
•Rated PG13. Sort of mature content?
•Sort of an au to the show obviously, but thought this was an interesting twist to 8x8

      It was a typical night at college and Eddie was in her room getting ready for her boyfriends party and her best friend Jamie was there
"come on Jamie it'll be fun" she said
"No Eddie I'm not going to some party to go watch you and your boyfriend" he said
"fine but then you owe me one Reagan" she said
"I'll take you out to dinner later" he said
"promise?" she said
"I promise. Now go have fun at your party" he said
"thank you, I love you! Bye!" she said as she ran out of the dorm
      Eddie ran down the hallway to her boyfriend Skip Fuller's dorm where the party is
"hey handsome!" she said
"wow Janko you look hot" he said as he kissed her
"hey Jack this is my girl, Eddie" Skip said
"damn she's even hotter then you described" he said
"want a drink?" Jack asked her
"sure" Eddie said
       Eddie took a beer and began to sip on it and she was walking around the room , talking and having fun.

      As the night went on Skips friends were all drunk and one of them tried touching her while they were dancing
"hey Jack, stop" she said
"come on Janko, don't kill the mood" he said as he grabbed her breasts again
"I said stop!" Eddie cried out
"listen to the lady Jack" Skip smirked
"sorry he's just a little wasted" Skip said
"can you take me back Skip? I think I've had enough" she said
"come on babe, it's my party and you're my girl. Just one more drink" he said
"fine one" she said
        Skip went over and got a beer and decided to slip a pill into it. He honestly wasn't even sure of what it was, but he wanted to have some fun with her. Eddie coughed as she drank the first sip but didn't think anything of it since she's had a few drinks.

        It was about an hour later when Eddie started to feel dizzy. A lot of people had left the party but a few were still there. She figured her dizziness was the effects of the alcohol so she ignored it. She kept dancing until finally she fell to the ground. She was mostly conscious but couldn't really move
"Skip I don't feel good, can you take me home" she managed to say
"hey boys it worked" he said
"Jack pick her up" Skip said
        Jack went over and picked Eddie up off the floor and laid her on the bed. She was so drugged she couldn't really speak and she was confused by what was happening. Jack started to touch her body by running his hands along her sides and over her breasts. Eddie squirmed at the uncomfortable feeling.
"I think she likes it. Lets get some of these clothes off" he said
       Eddie's eyes were wide with fear as Jack unzipped her jeans and pulled them down
"look at these pretty panties" he said as he touched her
"I bet she likes this" Jack said as he rubbed her sensitive spot through her underwear
"you should see her in bed" Skip laughed
"lets get these off" Jack said as he pulled her underwear down
        Eddie was unsure of what was happening as she was only semi conscious but she knew someone was taking her clothes off
"hey Skip why don't you help out and take her top off" Jack laughed
        Skip went around and pulled her shirt off and unclipped her bra in the front
"look at those tits" Jack said
       They both fondled her breasts and touched her nipples, and Eddie squirmed uncomfortably. Now she had been stripped naked and was unsure of what their plans were next.
"get her up, lets go" Skip said to Jack
Eddie managed to stand up and she started to walk with Jack. Her heart was pounding as they took her around campus naked. Everyone pointing and laughing and trying to touch her. She was out of control of what was happening to her. She wanted to cry, scream and kick but she was half drugged. The night seemed to last forever. Finally they took her back to her dorm and threw her onto her bed. She was still out of it but they were all laughing when she noticed flashes going off. Someone was taking her picture. They took several photos of her and then left the room.

Jamie and Eddie 'Jamko' One shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt