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Maxine Calista Kelly, from the young age of eleven, grew up with the Winchesters. However, unlike Dean and Sam, Max was born into the hunting life. Before she lived with John, she lived with her parents and older brother, Drew.


Unfortunately, one day after having a sleepover at a friend's house, Max came home to her mother, father, and brother slaughtered inside her cozy suburban rambler. Brains, blood, and other bodily fluids splattered across the floor, she knew all signs pointed to a Banshee attack.


After successfully killing the Banshee and avenging her family, Max had nowhere to go. Fortunately, John Winchester had caught wind of the attack and took Max in, treating her like a daughter. Since she was the same age as Dean, Sam saw her as more of an older sister figure than anything else.


Eventually, Dean and Max had caught feelings for each other and began dating when they were seventeen, only to break up months later when she found out he cheated on her with her best friend.


After Dean betrayed her, Max felt broken. She didn't know what else to do, but she knew she couldn't bear to even look at Dean after what he did to her. So, she packed up all of her things and left without a trace. Since she was eighteen at that point, she was able to get a paying job and create a lifestyle for herself, which included hunting jobs on the weekends to keep herself in shape. Max was content with her new life, and was fine with believing she'd never see Dean again... that was, until he came looking for her, claiming that John was missing.






Best read with black background& Hoefler text font

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Best read with black background
& Hoefler text font

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