Chapter 4: The Great Naval Battle (Massacre) of Rodenius

Start from the beginning

Officer 2: Indeed sir, we will arrive at the Qua-Toyne border town of Gim in a little under an hour. 

Officer 3: It is likely that the Lorians will still be reorganizing by then.

Officer 1: Hahaha! It seems the primitives were thrown off by their leader's head exploding all of a sudden!

Ralph: Indeed

Officer 2: Should we send fighters in for a preemptive strike?

Ralph: No, we will instill fear into their hearts by letting them see this ship.

Officer 3: I see then, it is intimidation tactics.

Officer 1: Sir, I believe FSS Hood should be engaging the enemy's navy momentarily. 

Ralph: It would seem that everything is going as planned.

Eshas, Elysia
January 13th, 2400 / February 1st, 1639

The young officer Breweye can be seen staring out over the water at the port of Maihark. He is staring at the massive floating ship that can be seen a few miles out. This ship is FSS Hood. A battlecruiser of the Federal Navy. While the ship is not new, it was recently upgraded and retrofitted and has the latest technologies on board. 

Breweye: So, that is the ship I will be getting on.

The Lourians had sent a fleet of over 4,000 galleys to strike and take Maihark. The Terrans said they would handle the fleet. But when the Terrans sent only one ship, the Qua-Toyne government was skeptical. None the less they wanted to see the Terran military in action for the first time. So, they requested to send an observer, and the Terrans accepted their request. Breweye was sent because he was capable despite his age. So, if something went wrong, he would be the one with the highest survival chance.

Breweye's thoughts were cut short when he saw an object approaching. Soon it was above him and it had landed. Someone jumped out.

Random Solider: Officer Breweye, I presume?

Breweye: Oh, yes that is me.

Random Soldier: Please, hope on the Pelican dropship and we will take you aboard The Hood.

They got on the dropship and headed to the ship. Once on the ship, the soldier guided Breweye to the bridge. Once there a woman could be seen standing in the middle. Once she noticed their presence she turned around and walked toward them. 

???: Thank you soldier for bringing the observer here. Please return to your duties.

The soldier saluted and left. 

Sasha: Nice to meet you, I'm Admiral Sasha. I'm the one in charge of FSS Hood.

Breweye: Qua-Toyne 2nd fleet officer Breweye, nice to meet you as well.

They shook hands.

Breweye (Thoughts): A female in a high-ranking position of the military. Thats not something you see in Qua-Toyne.

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