chapter 11: where the undercover idol and their enthusiastic sidekick play hero

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original title: to which the undercover idol and their enthusiastic sidekick play hero


"Really?" Pomegranate raises an eyebrow at Licorice, glancing back and forth between her partner and their new evil minion. "Death Hammer?"

"What do you mean?!" Licorice gasps, chagrined. "Do you have a better name?"

"I was thinking more of just continuing to call him Roll Cake, but alright."

"Death Hammer it is!"

Pomegranate rolls her eyes with an "eugh."

"Anyways, what do you think Master is doing right now?" Licorice asks, twirling around his staff. "She hasn't really contacted us in a while."

"She has her responsibilities to take care of," Pomegranate answers vaguely. To be honest, she's not entirely sure either. "Now, what to do about this... Death Hammer."

"Didn't you say we would send him out to spread Darkness?" Licorice mentions. "We can just unleash him and watch the carnage!"

"I agree," Pomegranate nods, actually starting to somewhat appreciate Licorice's input. He's been less irritating as of late, and his suggestions have been viable. "We can direct him into the city and—"

"Hey, Death Hammer!" Licorice calls out, catching the Cookie's attention. "You see that big green portal over there? Just go through and lay waste to any fool who doesn't turn to Darkness!"

"Yes, Master," Death Hammer replies firmly with a nod. "I'll smash all those idiots into pieces."

"Oooh, he called me 'master!'" Licorice giggles, kicking his feet excitedly. "Do you think this is how our master feels whenever we address her?"

"Licorice!" Pomegranate gasps, yanking him aside and ignoring his question. "What are you doing?!"

"Giving orders!" Licorice pulls himself out of Pomegranate's grasp. "Where better to send him to than an untainted land?"

"We do not know much about the human realm, though!" Pomegranate hisses. "We do not know what will happen if he gets into trouble!" Glancing back, Pomegranate opens her mouth to call for Death Hammer, but finds with horror that he has already disappeared off into the distance. Enraged, she whirls back to face Licorice. "You—"

"Pome, relax," Licorice says with a nonchalant wave. "He's got a giant freakin' hammer infused with the power of Darkness! Or are you implying that Master's power is not sufficient enough to power this guy through?"

"You are insufferable," Pomegranate groans, shaking her head. "If this ends badly, you are taking the blame."

"It won't! Trust me!"


Pomegranate has no reason to trust Licorice when everything he has done has somehow actively messed up their plan somehow, but at this point, she just really wants him to shut up. Unfortunately for Pomegranate, Licorice still has more to say.

"Even if he does end up failing — which I'm certain won't happen — something good can come out of this, no matter the results!" Licorice assures. "Because guess what? I put a recording tracker on him! Now we can see what he sees!" He makes grabby hands for Pomegranate's mirror staff. "Here, gimme. I can set it up right now."

"I am not letting you hold this. You will break it." Pomegranate merely extends her hand towards Licorice, eyeing him carefully so that in the case he messes up, she can quickly react.

"Jerk," Licorice mumbles. He hovers his hand over the mirror without picking it up anyway, sweeping over the reflective glass in a pattern until color begins to form at its surface. After a few seconds, the colors sharpen, forming into a first-person view of Death Hammer walking out the portal. "Look! It worked!"

the time i was human (cookie run au) [2021 REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now