chapter 4: not your average forest monsters (feat. a group of confused teens)

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hi guys. kiwi here.

i realized that i have made a Terrible Mistake. i originally intended the scene of herb's situation to be in chapter 7 but i kinda forgor my outline and went with my original old version... Whoopsie Daisy

i hope you herb fans are doing fine rn. hopefully thriving and not at all crying over the precious plant boy. (i assure you he's fine rn just pretend it hasn't happened yet and the writer made an oopsie doopsie)

thank you and keep this in mind... ill be waiting for you in chapter 7


"His power just keeps getting stronger... It's concerning..."


"Trial number seven," the lab coat-wearing human announced outside of the glass cage that a young Lemon Cookie had been placed into. "You will use your new power enhancers to fight your opponent."

Rubbing the side of his arm, Lemon raised his head to meet his opponent's gaze. The Cookie in front of him rolled his shoulders, glaring at Lemon with his cold, navy eyes. Lemon swore that the spots of color on the Cookie's gray dough flashed red upon seeing him — Was it anger? Hatred? There were many things his young mind didn't understand, but he knew that this Cookie definitely did hate him.

The Cookie flipped his pale pink hair to the side, readying into a stance, holding out his arms. "Come on now, squirt!" he challenged, beckoning Lemon to attack.

Lemon noted the hostile scowl on his opponent's face, but he swallowed his uncertainties and opened up his palms. When the all-too-familiar flow of electricity flowed through his jam, the concentration of power welled up against the inside wall of Lemon's dough. Sooner or later, he'd crack, just like he did in the sixth trial. And the fifth, and fourth, and every one before that, so he'd have to act fast.

Releasing a charge of energy forward, Lemon shot a burst of yellow light flew through the air and towards his opponent, who held up both arms in a shield position and barely slid back from the impact. "Is that all you've got?" the other Cookie snarled, standing upright without as much of a scratch on his arms. "Now, it's my turn."

Something locked Lemon's limbs to the ground the moment he saw a violent grin curl up on his opponent's face. To make matters worse, Lemon felt cracks split like eggshells from his cheeks and arms — it was already too late.

His opponent charged forward, grabbing Lemon by shirt collar and slamming him against the glass wall, accompanied with a knee to his stomach. Shrieking out in protest, Lemon tried to hold up his hand and use his powers, but the other Cookie was faster. He pulled a fist back, aiming straight for the face.

"Jawbreaker Cookie! Stand down!" the human ordered, slamming the table the two stood on, yet it was much too late to stop the wrath.

Lemon squeezed his eyes shut and braced for impact, the fist closing in on his face—


Awakening with a yell, Lemon shoots up from his previous position. Instinctively, his hand reaches up to touch his face, feeling for any impact that might have been brought upon him. Carefully, he touches across his cheek for any splits in his dough or excess power from his body, but what he discovers might just be more horrifying.

Rather than the texture of baked dough, Lemon's fingers (wait, fingers?) brush over a smooth, soft surface instead. On his face, he feels some sort of a liquid sticking to his hand, in which he holds out in front of his eyes and inspects. Yep, those are definitely fingers. Stained with some sort of a red substance.

the time i was human (cookie run au) [2021 REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now