Entry 1 - Language

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I am a qualified professor in Stickmanology. I have done a huge amount of research in secret, and I have now analysed it and put it in this big leather bound book which no one is to read. Ever. Mainly because my colleges will think I'm mad.

Stick men speak doodlese. It is quite a basic language and it is widely spoken by stick kind. They speak other languages such as Rubberish and Papern, but they are less popular. Here is some stuff in doodlese!

My name is Jim
Ma lablefish ish Jim

How are you
Howest art thou

I am awesome
Eh is saucsonme

It is very important not to get 'piggle' and 'priggle' mixed up, because 'piggle' means pig and 'priggle' means pretty. I was once lucky enough to pass two stick girls in the street of Doodling City (the capital of Doodlidia, which is their country) to hear one ask, "Dang eh fieldofvision bonbon ina thif dress?" Meaning, do I look good in this dress? And the other girl replied "yah, thou fieldofvision piggle." I laughed extremely hard, especially when the first girl threw a hissy fit.

I have often gone into stick cafés to listen to conversations. My favourite one is The File Page, because it is the only café on the east side of the city that sells hot chocolate with marshmallows. There's a waitress called Cathleen, and she's a good friend of mine. Stick people names aren't actually much different from ours, except for the odd person called Rubbershavings or something. Anyway, being my professory self I was asking her to describe herself, and this is how it went.
"Cathleen! Ollog! The norm, iwant."
"Cathleen! Hello! The usual, please."

"Kay. Ish thas alldaberries?"
"Okay. Is that everything?"

"Yah, fanks. Sop, eh an thunkin, mahbah thou shalt annoyinnoise a thou wee nibble boat yahme?"
"Yes, thanks. So, I was thinking, maybe you could tell me a small bit about yourself?"

"Yah! Eh an drawn wivin- HEY! WATCHA THINK THOU ART DODING?"
"Yeah! I was born in- HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Just then a stick guy grabbed Cathleen's money pouch and ran off with it. Being Cathleen she sprinted after him so my research kind of fizzled out. I got my hot chocolate though.

Anywho, I might go into deeper detail about Doodlese later, but there are more important things to write down in this big ol' book o mine. Peace out!

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