I narrowed my eyes in confusion trying to remember but I couldn't. She's introduced me to so many people in the past, so it's safe to say I can't remember but i wouldn't say that cause she'll end up saying; a responsible lady shouldn't forget anything cause one day it will be of aid in a situation.

C'mon we are humans there's no way we won't forget things but my mom is different, she thinks my brain is a freaking computer where everything I hear, see or say should be stored.

"Yes mother" I lied in order not to hear another lecture before I arrive at school. I really want her to stop taking me to school, I'm not a kid anymore but again I have no say in my life.

"Well his son will be joining Westview college this year, and I'll love you two to get to know each other alright?" She spoke too eerily for my comfort. The look in her eyes meant one thing; She's already planning my perfect wedding in her head but I won't let that.

She's controlled all my choices for far too long but one thing I won't let her have a say in, is my love life. It's a miracle she let me major in photography and videography else I would have been stuck in a field I had no interest in.

We remained silent until we got to the church so the priest could pray for my safety and pray against any bad influence on me.

After we finished in the church we went to her office and as usual she made me get down from the car so she could show her perfect daughter off.

I greeted every single human with a fake smile plastered on my face until we got to her office where she had people waiting for her already.

"Mrs Garcia" the couple acknowledged her presence and stood up to shake her which of course she didn't hesitate in pulling off her graceful perfect smile at them.

"Mr and Mrs Hunt, welcome and thanks for waiting for me" Mrs Hunt smiled widely and waved her off.

"It's nothing, we should be the ones thanking you for your help" mother nodded with a smile.

Their eyes drifted to me and I squirmed under the intense gaze of Mr Hunt. "Good morning" I greeted in a faint voice and they both nodded with a small smile in response to my greetings.

"Your daughter is really beautiful Nora" Mrs hunt complimented and mother wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"Of course she's, afterall she's my daughter" they laughed and I wondered what exactly was funny.

"Leon come here" the shuffling of feet from the corner made me notice a figure I didn't when we came in.

Tall, built body, dusty brown hair, his stubbles had started making its way on his face and a shade of gray eyes. He is definitely good looking but I can't imagine myself with him.

I noticed the look mom gave him and when she was done with her analysis she smiled in approval and stretched her hand out for him.

"Hello dear" he looked at her hand and placed his in hers with a smile.

"Hello ma'am" okay, that wasn't the kind of voice I was expecting to hear. I thought it would have been more deep considering his manly built.

"This is my daughter Andrea, Andrea, he is Leon" she introduced us and I gave him a small smile and shook his large palm

"It's nice to meet you" he told me while scanning my face which made me feel uncomfortable.


"Look how perfect they are" Mrs Hunt cooed and mom of course didn't disagree.

"Leon, Andrea here will be your tour guide when you get to school. Don't forget to ask her whenever you need something. Avoid bad friends, I don't want anyone influencing the both of you and always stay together" Mrs Hunt advice.

Lord can we get away from here. I'm seriously tired of all these controlling adults in my life.

"You don't have to worry mom, I'll never disappoint you" she smiled and hugged him.

"C'mon we have to leave now so you two can get to school in time and settle in before classes tomorrow" mom announced and started heading out.

"Thank you once again Nora" Mrs Hunt hugged her.

"It's no problem, C'mon let's go" she turned to leave and we followed.

We arrived at the car and i took the front seat while he stayed at the back. We were all silent in the first few minutes until mom decided to break it.

Can't she be quiet for once, I thought perfectionist rarely speak?

"So dear, tell me what course do you major in?" She glanced at him through the rear view mirror.

"Engineering ma'am" her smile and little nod showed she was impressed by his choice of study.

"That's good. What else are you interested in?"

"I love photography and also I paint" his answer should have sparked my interest but it didn't because I don't see us becoming friends just the way our parents want it.

"Impressive, Andrea here loves photography too and that's her major. I really don't know why she chose in majoring in something as unprofessional as that"

I knew she was going to say something about it. It's confirmed that none of my wants and desire will ever be impressive to her, that's why I have always lived on what she feels is the best.

"There's nothing wrong in what she chose to study ma'am. Photography is a pretty nice course and photographers are paid handsomely, also their job opportunities are very vast" he explained with a smile and she bobbed her head.

Wait! What! Now she listens to somebody else? When I tried explaining this to her she didn't want to listen and made me feel like I was a disappointment, all of a sudden she is being understanding? I shook my head with a light scoff.

They kept having their conversation while I remained silent which I can tell isn't pleasing to her but I'm glad she can't say anything to me because someone is with us and she obviously wouldn't want to ruin her perfect image.

We arrived at the airport and I hurriedly jumped out of the car.

Whew! What a good escape.

We took our things from the trunk and not wanting to spend my last minutes listening to her reprimanding me I rolled my boxes into the airport to get checked so we can leave.

Now I have to think of an excuse to offer her so i won't return home during the winter break.

Now I have to think of an excuse to offer her so i won't return home during the winter break

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