Double Date

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This was after their encounter with Morgana.

Jim's Pov

School ended. I was by the lockers talking to Toby.

"So Jimbo, you wanna go on a double date with me and Darci?"

I remebered our last double date. I cringed at the memory.

Toby mustve seen my unpleasant expression.

"Come on, it wont be like last time." He reassured. But I still had a doubt.

Claire came up. "Hey guys!" "Claire you wanna go on a double date with me and Darci?" Toby asked excitedly with a bit of hope.

I saw her face turn into a frown.

"Are you sure Toby? I mean after what happened last time.." He looked back and forth at me and Claire.

His face dropped.

"Come on, pleaseee!" He begged.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine, fine. We'll go." I said in defeat.

"Yay!" He cheered.

"I'll go tell Darci." He ran off.

"Jim are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What could go wrong? Besides, we need a break from trollhunting anyway." I told her.

"But last time-" "Claire, Toby is my best friend. I dont wanna see him sad. I mean you would do anything for Mary and Darci right?

She looked down. I assume she said yes.

Before I left I turned back around.

"But bring your shadow staff. You never what might happen." I winked at her earning me a small giggle.


I was in my room playing games on my phone.

I was waiting for Claire to arrive. We agreed to meet at 6. It was 5:30 so there was still some time.

"Oh come on!" I yelled out. I lost another round of the game.

I was just about to start another round when my mom called me from downstairs.

"Jim, Claire is here!" She announced. I stood up and put my phone in my pocket.

I looked in the mirror and did some last minute checks before heading down.

Claire was in the living room sitting on the couch talking with my mom.

"Ready to go?" I asked since she seemed interested in talking with mom.

She looked at me with a smile and nodded. She stood up. 

I put my hand on her shoulder and led her to the door.

"Bye mom!" Claire opened the door and we stepped outside. She closed the door and we made our way to the restaurant.

We were going to the same restaurant we ate at on our first double date.

I just hope that this date will be a normal one..


We got to the restaurant a few minutes later. Toby and Darci were already there.

We sat at the table oustside and looked through the menu while waiting for the waiter.

That guy from the battle of the bands showed up with a pad paper and pen.

"May I take your order?" He looked at us with surprise.

"Oh hey its you guys again! Another double date?" I nodded.

"Oh and, are you ok now Claire? You seemed weird last time." He said in his british like accent.

"Ah yes.. Im fine now. Just a bit stressed last time..."

"Alright well, what can I get ya?"

We ordered our food and talked while waiting for it.

The food arrived minutes later. It was delicious!

We got to enjoy it better since Claire wasnt acting like an animal.

No offense to her...

We decided to go to the movies after dinner.

But we were watching a romantic comedy film this time.

We had our popcorn, soda and tickets. We went inside and sat in our seats.

Claire sat next to me and next to her was Darci. Toby was beside her.

The movie started. We laughed at some scenes and adored the romantic ones.

Now we were at the end of the film. The last scene was them kissing followed by a comedic remark which made us all laugh.

We left the movies at around 8:15.

I went with Claire to walk her home and so did Toby.

"Well this double date was successful. Surprisingly." She chuckled.

"I know right? I expected some trouble like always."

"I dont blame you."

We reached her house.

"Thanks for walking me home Jim."

"No problem." I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I was about to leave but Claire grabbed my wrist and pulled me in for a kiss.

I smiled when we broke away.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I waved and turned around to leave.

This has been one of the best nights I had as a trollhunter.

And let me tell you. There arent many.


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