First Meeting

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This is when Toby is the trollhunter

Jim's POV

"This trollhunter thing is awesome Jimbo!" He said as we were walking out of school. 

I sligtly smiled knowing there is more to the amulet than the armor and the sword.

"But I so need to get prepared for my battle with Draal.." He shuddered.

I smiled at the memory. "Dont worry Tobes, Im sure he'll warm up to you."

"I wish." He mumbled. "His phone ringed. He looked at it and sighed.

"It's time for trollhunter training. I'll see you later Jimbo!" He waved and ran off before hopping on his bike.

Just then, someone bumped into me causing their books to fall. "Im so so sorry! Let me help."

I bent down and picked up some of the books. "Dont be, its my fault." A femenine voice said.

I looked up at the person. It was Claire.

I handed her the books and we both stood up. "Thanks." She said smiling.

I smiled back. "What's your name?" She asked tucking her hair behind her ear as she hugged her books.

"James Lake Jr. But you can call me Jim." I blushed a bit.

"Claire Nuñez." She introduced and held out her hand.

But of course I already know who she is.

I took her hand and we did a handshake.

We walked out together. "You're in my class right?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Sorry if I never noticed you before..."  "Dont worry! It's fine!" I reassured.

"Wanna get a milkshake?" She invited. "Dont stop until I love you.."

I remembered the words she said.

I smiled and blushed a bit. "Sure!" I accepted. She took her bike from the rack.

We both hopped on our bikes and left the school.

We got to the restaurant and parked our bikes on the rack.

We sat in a table outside sitting across from each other.

The waiter came with our food a few minutes later. And of course the waiter was Douxie.

"Enjoy." He gave a wink before leaving to serve other customers.

Our food was fries and milkshakes.

We ate and talked. She was telling stories while I listened attentively with a smile.

"And Steve is the worst! He's driving me crazy!" She complained.

"You never know, he may have some good in him." I suggested knowing Steve was on our side.

"I hope so..." She said and took a sip of her milkshake while I ate some fries.

"You know you're really fun to talk to."

"Why do you say that?" "Because, you actually listen to me. You even give me some advice every now and then."

"What about your other friends?" I asked wondering.

"They're great but they dont listen to me. And when they do, they dont even understand my problem."

"But you do.." She looked me in the eye. I gave her a warm smile.

"I have some problems of my own as well so I understand where you're coming from." I spoke.

I looked out in the street. It was getting dark. The sun was setting too.

"We should probably head home. It's already four." I said looking at my phone.

She gave a single nod and I took out my wallet to pay.

"I'll pay!" She quickly said. "No no, I'll do it. What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you pay?"

"But Im the one who invited you." She said firmly with her hand on her chest.

I chuckled. "How 'bout we split it?" I suggested. "Fine."

She took out some money and I did too. We put the money on the table and put a glass on top of it to keep it from flying away.

But I left a little extra money for a tip cause I remembered Douxie had two jobs.

We got our bikes and left.

As we were riding our bikes on the streets she said, "I saw that. Why leave extra money?" She asked.

"Just a tip." I said as we turned a corner.

I followed her home to say goodbye. She got off her bike and placed it beside the wall.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Jim." She said. I smiled.

"No problem." "We should do this again sometime." She suggested.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she handed me a piece of paper. I looked at her in confusion but she went inside and shut the door.

I left with the paper in my pocket. I got home and went to my room. I took the paper and sat on my chair.

There were some numbers written on it. And a small note that says call me.

I blushed. This was her number. I took my phone and typed in the numbers.

I saved it and named the contact Claire.

I smiled.

Hopefully things turn out great for us


A/N: I know this was short but I had no idea how to keep the story going.
See ya!😁

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