1st December - Uncontrollable family

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Thursday, 1st December:

Brody: 13; Elleny & Noah: 4 (almost 5); Leo: 3 (almost 4); Mila: 1; Lola: 5 (doggo)


"We're ready, Mama!", Elleny and Noah exclaimed when they ran into their parents' bedroom in their cute winter pajamas that matched. They had polar bears and penguins on them and were basically like little onesies.

"Perfect! Only dad and Leo are missing then.", Amelia smiled at her children. Brody was occupying the middle of the huge bed since he didn't like choosing between his parents. "Mister, please put the phone away because it's family time now.", she told her oldest son, who looked up at her and nodded. "Thanks."

"We here too!", the three-year-old informed everyone when his father carried him into the room after helping him put on his pajama. "I wanna snuggle with Lola.", he beamed upon seeing the husky laying on the end of the bed.

"You mean, you wanna snuggle with mama, right?", the neurosurgeon teased her toddler, who suddenly looked confused before he shook his head and pointed at the dog. "Okay, fine.", she grinned at him and felt Elleny climb into her arms instead.

"I can't wait for Mily to finally be old enough to join us.", her husband shared as he turned on the TV for them to watch Peter Pan. "After this, it's bedtime without any tantrums, alright?", he checked in with the kids one more time.

It was a Thursday and usually, they didn't watch movies on weekdays, but since they had decided to make the Christmas time most special for their children, today they would watch one in the couple's bedroom.

"Yes, Daddy!", all three toddlers replied in unison, leaving their parents to doubt it because there was never an evening on which bedtime wasn't a struggle. Maybe they were lucky and one or two of them actually fell asleep during the movie.

"Alrighty then, who wants some hot chocolate?", Owen questioned, handing the first cup to Brody, who had become rather calm compared to the wildness of his younger siblings. "Here you go, you can add some marshmallows."

"Thank you, Dad.", the thirteen-year-old excitedly said and let the top of his drink disappear in a crowd of marshmallows since he loved those so much. "Here, I can add some for you, but don't spill any of it on either Lola or the bed.", he told his little brother before he moved on to the other, somewhat older one.

"Honey, do you want a mug as well?", the redhead asked his wife, who didn't always like hot chocolate because at times it was too sweet for her. "I mean, otherwise we could just share this big one?", he suggested softly.

"Yeah, let's share.", the brunette decided, feeling like it would match the cozy atmosphere of their movie night if they shared a cup rather than each of them drinking one themselves. "You are even allowed to add a few marshmallows.", she smirked.

"Lucky me.", the trauma surgeon flirted and winked at her. He threw the snacks on the blanket as well, so he wouldn't have to get up all the time, and then got comfortable too, letting Noah cuddle into him after he had climbed into his lap.

"Hey!", Brody scolded his parents. "Flirt-free-zone!", he judged their behavior. "There are little children here.", he joked. Since his youth hadn't been the brightest one, well, the youth before the current one aka when he was just a little kid, he had actually never seen Peter Pan before but only heard of it.

"We apologize.", his mother mocked him, giggling upon seeing the unamused look on her son's face. She leaned over to him and kissed his temple. "Okay, really, we'll stop.", she promised. Although Brody had learned to kind of control his temper, he could easily freak out anyway or feel provoked.

"Can we play Peter Pan tomorrow?", Elleny wondered, glancing at her siblings. "I wanna be Wendy and Tinkerbell!", she let them know because she couldn't choose which one she liked better since they were both pretty and cool.

"Let's figure that out tomorrow.", her father gently lectured his daughter. "If we don't start watching now, we will have to do so another day because then it will be too late for you Guys to stay up.", he said.

"Oh no!", Noah shouted. "Everyone quiet!", he begged, the fear of missing out on his movie night was evident in his voice. "I wanna watch.", he explained, taking a sip of his hot chocolate that was in his special cup, just like the ones of Leo and Elleny.

"Okay then, please be quiet now, Sweeties.", Amelia repeated and noticed how all the children were finally starting to concentrate on the TV to actually see the movie they had picked for their 1st December special. "Have fun!", she smiled at them, kissing her daughter's head, and cuddling with her.

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