chapter 6 : Paladin's meeting

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A month later, Pidge and Keith were living their life as a young couple, and it was honnestly adorable. Colleen was getting ahold of her daughter every day. She was also bringing her some stuff, but it always ended with Pidge telling her mother to rest, that she was fine and didn't need to be around all the time.

Today, Pidge's and Keith's phones rang. They both received a message in the group chat: "TEAM VOLTRON 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁".

In this group, there was: Lancey_Lance , Hunky, Space_Dad (Shiro), The_Gorgeous_Man (Coran), Pidgeon (Pidge), and The_Emo_Guy (Keith).

-"Hi guys!! Wanna hang out today?" Lance sent in the chat.

-"Oh yeah!! It's been so long since we last all met together." Hunk answered.

-"Sure! Wanna meet at the Meow-Coffee?? I heard they have good food!" Space_dad said... Honestly, he missed his space family.

-"Yeah! @Keith, @Pidge, @Coran? Are you guys coming?" Hunk asked.

Behind Pidge's phone, Pidge and Keith were looking at each other:

"Are we going?" Keith asked.

She nodded "Well, yeah..."

"Are we telling them?"

Pidge stayed quiet. Keith sighed and rolled his arm around Pidge's neck to hug her.

"We'll have to tell them sooner or later..." Keith said softly next to Pidge's ear, which gave Pidge chills.

"I know... and we'll do it. Today." she said as Keith smirked.

"Then let's get ready."

Pidge grabbed her phone:

-"I'm coming."

Keith took his phone too.

-"Yeah, me too," Keith sent.

-"I'll come too," Coran also sent.

-"Great, then see you all at the Meow Coffee at 4 PM!"

Keith and Pidge got ready to go, and at 3:55 PM, they made their way to the Meow Coffee. They arrived at 4:10. Shiro was already there with Coran.

"Hey guys!" Pidge screamed. She wasn't paying attention to the fact that she was holding Keith's arm. When she noticed, she immediately dropped it.

They were walking in Shiro's and Coran's direction. Shiro got up to hug his friends:

"Hey!! What a surprise that you two are arriving together! Holding each other's arms? I didn't know that you guys were such good friends!"

"Shiro..." Pidge looked at him angrily.

"Just kidding, you guys! Come and sit! Lance and Hunk are supposed to arrive any minute now..."

At the same time Shiro said that, Lance and Hunk were walking toward them.

"Hi, everybody!" Hunk said, making a big move with his hand.

"Hunky! Lance!" Pidge screamed.

"Ha, it's so good to be all reunited!" Coran said while touching his mustache.

"Sure! You missed your old Lancey Lance, right?" Lance said.

"No..." Pidge answered, and then everyone started laughing. "Just kidding! Let's sit!"

"Sooooooo... what have you guys been up to since the last time?" Pidge asked.

"Well, nothing really great on my side... just my simple life like I like it!" Lance proudly said.

who knew ? //KIDGE VLD; first book!Where stories live. Discover now