Let the games begin?

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She clears her throat and turns around to look at him. "Hi Kuhle. Uright?" she asks. (Are you okay?) Look at her calling him by his nickname...kanti what is she supposed to call him..you know what you don't understand...are you jealous? He definitely doesn't need to be given a nickname.

"Ngiyaphila wena." he says. (I'm good and you.) I can see that he is shocked to find us in such a compromising situation. I wonder what lie she is going to tell to get away with it. "I'm fine." she answers. We all stand there in awkward silence. This has got to be one of the most awkward silence I have ever experienced in my entire life.

"So uhmmm." "What are you two doing together hugging each other?" he asks. He should have just walked away instead of asking unnecessary questions. "Private business. What I do outside of work has nothing to do with you." she answers. "Are you two together?"

We both stare at each other and i clear my throat. "I guess that's the answer I need." he mumbles but i heard him. "Can I explain whats going on tomorrow." she says. "You don't have to you did say that what you do outside of work is none of my business." "Well...okay I guess."

He walks away and I sigh a sigh of relief. I don't know if it's because he didn't say anything to me or that he just walked away and now i feel like I can breathe. "Remind me to never go out with you ever again." she says. "You don't have to tell me twice." I say.

She gets inside the passenger side and I also get inside. We just sit there in silence trying to process everything that just happened. How can one's life have so much drama they didn't even ask for?

"I'll talk to him tomorrow." she says. "What are you going to tell him?" I ask. "I'll just try explain to him that you and i are something but he shouldn't spread the word. But I wanna see what his going to say first before I start confessing for no reason." "Will you lose your job or anything?"

"No we are already done with the case so I have every right to be with you." she answers. "Okay i wouldn't want you to lose your job because of a silly mistake." I say. "Yeah but don't worry I'll try to reason with him and if it doesn't work out just know I've tried my best." I nod.

I bring the engine to life and I start driving to Manqoba's house. "Please buy me food before you go wherever you want to go to." she says. "What do you want to eat?" I ask. "Chicken Licken." "Okay. I love your nails." "Thank you. It's been a while since I've done a manicure so thank you for the money." I smile and nod. "Anytime." "Rich nigga vibes." We chuckle.

I drive past Ckicken Licken and I buy two meals then drive off to his place. "Where are we going?" she asks. "I need to go fetch something important somewhere." I answer. She nods and continues eating.

I get to his house and the security guards take the necessary information and i go inside. "I'll be back." I say. "Sure just make sure you come back alone I don't want anymore strange encounters." she says and i chuckle. "I won't don't worry I've also had enough for the day." We chuckle.

I get out of the car and walk to the door. I knock on the door and a middle aged woman opens up for me. "Sawbona ma." I greet. (Hello.) "Yebo ngani yami. Unjani?" (my child. How are you?) "Ngiyaphila wena." (I'm good and you.) "Nami ngiyaphila. Unga ngena."(I'm good too you can come in.)  She makes space for me and i enter.

She leads me to Manqoba's office and she knocks on the door and the person tells her to come in. We enter and I greet him. "Nizodinga ini?" she asks. (Will you need anything?) "Konke kuright ma." answers Manqoba. (Everything is okay.) She nods and leaves.

"Unjani Khoza?" he asks. (How are you?) "Ngiyaphila wena Vilakazi." I answer. (I'm good and you.) "Kukhala akusizi." (Crying doesn't help.) "Uqinisile lapho." (You not wrong there.)  He pours me a glass of my favourite and I thank him.

"Soyitholile?" I ask. (Have you received it?). "Yeah lucky for us my lab rat had it ready for us." he answers. "Sibonga ulab rat wakho." We chuckle. (We thank your lab rats.) "I guess we need to start keeping track of their movements." "I already had my tails on them." "Okay that's good but how are we going to get them to have that drug."

"They have a restaurant where they frequent to a lot so we can hire one of the workers there to do it on our behalf." I say. "That sounds like a good plan and you have to be there so that we know that the work is done." he says. "Okay no problem."

"I just have a few questions for them and i want to torture both of them and have them begging me to kill them but fortunately for them I won't kill them." he says and we chuckle. "Look at the psycho in you coming out." I say and we chuckle. "You also have a bit of psychoticness if not more you just haven't channeled your inner beast."

"I can channel it sometimes but it's better of if we just assassinate them." I say. "That's also good but a bit of trauma before they die would do them good." "he says and we chuckle. "You do know that you can't kill them because they high profile lawyers." "Kananelo is, not Nthabiseng." "You get the drift."

"I won't kill them I'm just going to teach them a lesson they won't forget thats it." he says. "I hope it ends there cause we don't want to take on more than we can chew. We already starting a war by killing those people." I say. "Let the games begin I guess." "Let the games begin."

We click our glasses and continue drinking and strategizing about this whole thing...

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