Round 2: BC Sol Superstars vs Rising Victories - Second Round

Start from the beginning

"Diabolos! Shining Cross!"

Diabolos and the Bullet fashed up and flew from both edges of the stadium, striking Chronos' ultimate spinning diving bomb attack with a golden era pincer attack, allowing Pegasus to escape the blast radius. However, the devil blade crashed to the floor and burst to the power of the time god.

"Burst Finish, one point for Team BC Sol Superstars!"

Delta groaned. "If I used Death Diabolos instead, Death Upper could've countered Moonsault Dive."

"It's okay, I can win this," pointing to Chronos and Knight's decreasing Stamina.

"It's now a battle to see which Stamina Beyblade can last the longest! Who will win out, can Rising Victories make a comeback?! Stay tuned for next time!"

However, Pot's blade was starting to decrease in rotation while Knight and Chronos pushed off, rode off the slope, and struck Pegasus' wings, much to Gingka's dismay.

"Leave Pegasus alone, fighting two on one isn't fair!"

"Gingky, Tsubasa and I did that to you in the Battle Royale!"

"Oh yeah, believe in your blader's spirit Pot guy!"

Pot continuously affected Lock Reverse against their pincer attack much to his avail.

"That's Pegasus' weaknesses. You figured it out back then Delta. Clip my wings and I can't fly anymore."
"Don't give up till the end Pot, you can still win this!"

He sighed. "Maybe that's all I can do for now. Now I know why you and Blind got your Gold and Dark Turbos. That push to be in complete sync with their Beyblade. Blind and I didn't have that challenge by the time you became one of the GT 3. And now I'm one being left behind."

"Didn't you promise us you were going to unlock your own Gold Turbo? What happened to our promise to unlock it and battle again, Pot!?"

Amane's tearful vow spread Pot's wings back.

"If you give up because you think winning's boring, then I'll make you say Uncle until you reach heaven! Don't forget what I told you during training?!"

Pot looked back to when the team was preparing for the tournament.

"Amane, put it there," sticking his hand out, only to give him a fake hand. Amane had shrugged it off, used to it at this point. "What was it like unlocking Gold Turbo?"

"Well, Delta and I had battled, and I had all but given up after losing time and time again. Ashura called out to me, and reminded me of what I stood for. One who reminded me not to doubt myself and believe in my power. Have you tried talking to Pegasus?"

"Hmm," raising his Beyblade to his ear. "I don't think that's how it works."

"No, resonate with it. When you feel like you'll need your power the most, talk with them."

Pot recalled that as Knight and Pegasus flew down from the upper deck on both sides. In just a few seconds, they'd Burst Pegasus. Even in a round robin, what would his students say?

"Pegasus, can we really win this?"

His chi and turquoise-cyan aura eroded, in a similar colored void. In front of him was Pegasus, a yellow-eyed beast of the same name with blue golden horns and armor wrapped around its white body with turquoise shapes flowing with energy. Its flaming tail flowed valiantly with its silver, blue and neon wings.

"I think we can."

"It's really you?"

"Of course Pot, this isn't a prank. Although, they are pretty funny. You're loving battles again. I hope you're not getting bored of them."

"I don't know, I'm not, but now I know why the GT 3 is no more. I don't want to let them down, I want to win!"

"Good, you've always been a laid back and friendly guy. Drum and the others believe in, and so do I," extending one of it's limbs to him. "Let's spread our wings even further."

Pot hesitated, but knew and wanted this. "Let's do this Pegasus!"

Back in the present, Pot turned back to Drum, Amane, and Delta.

"Guys, we're not going to lose this!" His chi rose and the feathers that dropped from his back revived.

"Heaven Pegasus, let's become one! Gold Turbo!"

His green aura elevated to his spinning partner glowing lime and yellow, incomplete, yet shining bright in the sky. Pegasus spun faster, tanking the hits of both BC Sol blades and riding up the slope.

"Heaven Thunder!"

Pegasus raced down with striking thunder and spread its wings even further. Cuza pushed Kit out of the way as the avatar struck down both opponents, bursting Chronos and striking Knight airborne.

Drum cheered in excitement. "He did it, Gold Turbo!"

"Good job Pot."

"No, it's not over yet!"

"Knight Flyer!" Air Knight's wind features decreased its falling speed while in mid-air.

"This is bad," Ichika said. "If we don't stop him now, he's going to steal the whole game."

"We'll show them what the top student of the Castle in the Clouds can do!"

Heaven Pegasus rose up the upper deck and flew up the stadium walls.

Everyone gasped as it accelerated straight to Air Knight.

"Spread your wings! Feather Storm!"

"Spin Air Knight, strike back!"

Pegasus rocketed into Air Knight and forced both beys far from above the stadium, and the flying blades forced one another in a deadlock, descending to the floor at the same time.

"With one Burst and a simultaneous Over-Finish, both teams are tied at 2-2."

Pot huffed, sweating while Kit gasped. The two handed back each other's blades.

"It's usually hard to burst Knight, much less stop it. That was really awesome."

"Yeah." Pot clenched his hands. "Feels good to get serious for a change."

Cuza joined them. "I thought we had that one in the bag."

"In the bag-in the bag," Carl repeated.

Delta grabbed Diabolos. "You pulled it off. Diabolos, what do you think?"

"His light still needs more space to shine."

"I still have more room to grow though," extending his hand to both of them. "Thanks for a good battle."

Cuza and Pot shook his hand, ending with detached limbs that freaked him out. While BC Sol dealt with that, Drum glomped Pot.

"You unlocked Gold Turbo!"

Amane ruffled Pot's crescent hair. "Took you look enough?"

"Now all you have to do is master it?"

"Master?" Pot shrugged. "Fine, by the end of this, I'll master it, right Pegasus?"

While his bey shined, Fumiya shook with anticipation.

"That means....I'm batting."

"Will the final two members of the team please join them."

Free De La Hoya casually walked up to the stadium while Ichika rushed up to join the others.

"Fumiya, it's really him."

Free leaned his head. "Hope this is fun."

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