"I want to love you forever, Andrew. I don't know how you do it, lovely," She said with sniffs. "You make every day a day of gratitude to God. Thank you for yielding to Him and being the greatest husband in history," She peppered kisses on his adorable face.

He felt the same.

His wife enamored him.

Only, he couldn't put it into words.

"Can we go home? I'd like it if you held me without interruption,"

Andrew nodded and kissed her cheek. "Hold you, I shall."

Music to her ears.

Isabella sincerely loved her Andrew.


"I told you we'd have dinner," Isabella murmured while stirring the bubbling pot.

Andrew hummed and gently poked her waist.

Isabella jumped and gasped.

"Andrew." She warned him while shaking the spoon at him.

He smiled.


She narrowed her eyes at the now mischievous man she called her husband.

Sometimes he surprised her with his lighthearted ways.

She loved them, they were just a surprise.

"I want to do this, Andrew. You can't do that again," She lied.

The food could burn.

She wouldn't mind.

"You wanted me to hold you, love. You have no specific moment the holding was to end." He told her pointedly. "You are mine. I am yours. I want mine." He said and grabbed her by the waist. "Proceed," He whispered in her ear, making her jump again.

Isabella did as he said.

She proceeded.

He refused to let go or lessen his hold on her.

"That's nice," He murmured as she poured red pepper flakes into the pot.

He wasn't sure what she was cooking, but she was cooking a storm of love inside of him as he watched closely.

His Bella.

"Stop." His gaze was distracting.

"I love you, baby." He said, instead of complying with her request. "Dance with me." He insisted.

Isabella huffed at her husband. "Andrew, the food will burn. And we don't have music,"

Andrew pulled her away from the stove and spun her.

Isabella's facade fell, and her joy erupted.

She only wanted to cook to make Andrew feel appreciated and happy, but if he wanted to dance, they would dance.

Andrew took her hands and kissed them. "If it burns, I will make something." He vowed, making her bite her pretty lip.

She nodded and allowed him to spin her around the kitchen.

She loved his happiness.

It was infectious.

She loved him this way. She loved him in every way.

"You are my sunshine, Bella."

For some reason, Andrew desired to see his Bella pregnant with their child.

He kissed her jaw. "How long does it take to know if you're with child?"

Isabella gaped at his random question.

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