10: Every Which Way But Up

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Mackenzie's P.O.V

Have you ever felt like you were going too fast for the world but in reality, the world was too fast for you? I sat there, my voice stuck in my throat. The game had started and I wasn't paying attention anymore, I was just gazing, the world around me blurred as I tried to make sense of what was happening. Was I the only one who regularly checked if things that happened to me were real? And when I say checked, I meant, do dumb things to see if this world was all just in my head, and confirm that I'm not living a fake life created by a head injury I gained in the real world.

My body was present but my mind was the furthest away than you could imagine. The heavy raindrops pelted down, one after the other. I didn't move. I sat there playing the audio still. A raindrop fell onto the lens of my glasses and I came to. I turned off the phone and put it into my bag along with the envelope into my bag. Some spectators had come prepared with umbrellas. The ones who didn't were focused on the game, ignoring the fact that it was raining. The lightning scorched a line in the sky white and the rumble followed as clear as the sound of a vase breaking. It rained heavier. People were actually getting up to go stand in the shelter. The game continued and I wanted nothing more than to go home.

Anna still hadn't gotten back yet but I was sure she must've left minutes ago. I left the game and hustled through the large parking lot trying to get home. I dialled Anna but it went straight to voicemail. "Not cool Anna, not cool." I hung up and gave up on running, my clothes were heavy and life was too short for me to kill myself. It was now that I wished psychical education was mandatory in homeschooling. Dad just told me to mow the lawn and that was it.

My hoodie sagged on my body, dragging me down, and making it hard for me to move freely. My wavy fro clung to my face; I regretted wearing it out today. It would take forever to dry now. I couldn't see anything through my glasses and opted that it would be better to take them off. The design flaw of Quinton's University was one that I didn't need to complain about until today. Everything was too far apart, the dorms were all the way on the West Side.

I looked right and then left before deciding it was okay to run across. There were cars leaving the lot due to the heavy rain ruining the game. A car splashed me with a puddle as it drove past. I groaned from frustration. I took off my hoodie, turning it inside out and using it to wipe my face. "Fuck you asshole!" I yelled flipping off the van as I stood in the road.

"No respect for pedestrians," I murmured. I turned around into a vehicle pulling out, which came to an abrupt stop when they saw me. I was partially to blame for not paying attention but still. I moved out of the way and they pulled out of the parking spot. They stopped just as they were about to pass me. I would've flipped this asshole off too but-

"Hey," He called out to me from the window of his jeep. "Get in." He smiled and I remembered what Anna said to me. I hesitated.

I wiped my face, scrunching up my eyes so I could look at Tristen, "It's the least I could do for almost running you over." He motioned his head to the car. He recognized the look in my scrunched-up eyes, uncertainty, "It's fine, you can trust me."

The way he said it in all seriousness made me feel like it was okay and as the paranoid and anxious person, I was, that said something. Not that I would be easy to kidnap but that he wasn't a threat. Though I've been a bad judge of character, something told me I was right this time. In the back of my head though, I heard Anna's voice. 'He's not normal.' Everyone had secrets. The question was, what was his?

I looked around the parking lot, rethinking his offer. Anna left and the rain didn't seem like it was going to let up anytime soon. I looked at him, searching for anything to warn me not to go but all I saw were brown kind seductive eyes, asking for a little trust. The wait was awkward, he was studying me. I gave in, walking around to the door and hopping up into the jeep. My clothes were soaking wet.

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