9: Stranger Things

Start from the beginning

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"He's the popular guy but hardly has friends, girls want to say they've been bedded by him but he doesn't sleep around and he's cool about buying tampons?"

"Pads." I corrected her.

"Whatever," She dismissed it, "Same thing." She laid her head on my lap again, closing her eyes. "He's hiding something, I can feel it." I thought back to what Anna, high on sugar, had said. Tristen was unusual. I needed to stay away from him regardless of who he was or what he was about. I hadn't any luck with men, that's what the checklist was for.

"Um... Anna, you haven't left the room in a couple of days," I began, "I- er... I think you need to go out, clear your head, you know? Have a good time." I promise not to embarrass you like the nerd I am."

"Yeah, sure..." She trailed off.

"So how about the soccer game tomorrow at school? I know you're a fan of CR7."

"Fan is an understatement."I glanced at the glossy poster, and silence ensued for a moment, I thought she was considering what I had said until I looked down at Anna to see a sleeping beauty. I rolled my eyes at the attempt I had made last night to cheer her up.

It's later in the day and the rain stopped, though it still appeared a little bleak. After a quick breakfast and an early shift at the cafe, Anna and I headed to Professor Simms' office to drop off that new rewrite. I saw him enter his office, briefcase in hand as he had just finished up a class. "Wait here, I'll be a minute," I told Anna.

"Can I just go home?" She whined, leaning against the wall in a black hoodie with cheese stains from the sandwich she ate this morning and grey sweatpants and a pair of black Sketchers.

"Anna, you said you would go out today. You can't back out now."

"I don't remember any of that." She continued complaining, "I wasn't even thinking straight, I was high on a sugar rush and that wouldn't hold up in court. I didn't sign a contract."

"It was a verbal contract," I rolled my eyes at her pathetic attempt to swindle out of this.

"The impaired party was incapable of understanding what I was agreeing to."

"You ate four ice sandwiches, and drunk on sugar you decided to drive a conversation about Tristen about him being unusual which could endanger your passenger: me! According to the court, you should be pulled over and be taken to jail."

Anna said nothing for a moment as if rethinking our whole exchange, "Fair point," she groaned, "Hurry up, dweeb."

"Dweeb?" I asked offended, "What did I do to deserve being called that?"

"You're always wearing hoodies, that's such a dweeb thing to do."

"Because it's cold," I replied, thinking that her dissing capabilities had shrunk massively since she became depressed.

"Yeah, but you're wearing one all the time." She indicated, sniggering a bit. She was basically saying that I had no sense of fashion.

"You shouldn't be one to talk, you're wearing one too so."

She folded her arms, visibly proud as she pointed to herself, "That's because I," she continued, "Am having an off day."

I sighed and rolled my eyes for hopefully the last time today, exhausted by this exchange, "Just let me drop this off real quick. Okay?" She nodded.

I approached Professor Simms' office and knocked on the door, "Come in." I heard him say.

"Hey Professor, just dropping off the rewrite." I laughed nervously. He could have refused to take it.

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