Enchanted Part 2 (Zhongli X Diluc Omegaverse) SMUT

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On their way through Monstadt, many alphas perked up at the smell of an omega in heat. Fortunately, Zhongli's domineering scent deterred them just as quickly. He found himself getting more and more protective of the omega in his arms as they made their way out of the city, following Venti in the direction of Diluc's home. Why did he know where the red-head's home was? Well, that was a question Zhongli removed from his mind. He was getting far too instinctual to handle thoughts of anyone being close to the omega at this point.

"Aw, Master Diluc is so cute when he's actually acting like an omega," Venti teased, poking said omega's cheek. Diluc let out a pained whimper at the contact causing Zhongli to growl at Venti.

"Do not touch him, Barbatos," Zhongli growled, forgetting their guises for a moment. Venti scowled slightly at this.

"My name is Venti, Morax. And I was just messing with him," Venti said, "Plus, I've known him longer, so don't get all territorial about him with me." Zhongli ignored him at this point, continuing on the road, hoping he was going the correct direction. Venti continued on ahead of him with a roll of his eyes. When they reached the Dawn Winery, Venti walked back to Zhongli's side, where he was promptly ignored.

"Aw come on, Zhongli. I'm just messing with you too. Trying to lighten the heavy mood, ya know?" he said, nudging the alpha to get his attention. As soon as Venti made contact with Zhongli, a snarl ripped itself from Diluc's throat.

"Fine, fine. I know when my presence isn't wanted," Venti gave a dramatic sigh before smirking, "Make sure not to get our dearest dark knight hero pregnant. Otherwise, who will protect Monstadt?" His dramatic and teasing tone didn't sit well with Zhongli.

"Venti, you are already testing my limited patience and self-control at the moment," Zhongli all but growled. Venti winked and flitted away with a gust of wind.

"Alpha," a low voice all but whimpered, getting his attention. He quickly brought the man into what he understood to be his home.

"You may simply call me Zhongli, Master Diluc," he said softly. Zhongli cradled the omega closer to his chest, "Now, tell me where your room is so that I may take you there so you can nest in peace."

"Upstairs... Please hurry. It hurts," Diluc groaned, already tugging at his jacket, trying to remove it making it quite difficult for Zhongli to continue holding him.

"Patience, my dearest garnet. I do not want to drop you," Zhongli comforted as he made his way up the stairs, carrying the omega with little difficulty despite his warning.


Diluc had never smelled such a heady, heavenly scent in all his years of living. He found himself nuzzling into the scent the longer he was carried towards his home. Vaguely, Diluc was aware of what was going on around him. He knew that Venti, that drunk bard, had actually stepped in to escort him home with the alpha currently carrying him. Archons, did this alpha smell divine. The scent of glaze lilies, warm stones, and some type of wine filled his nostrils. Typically the smell of wine would be off-putting for Diluc, but this one was different. It was comforting and sweet.

Once they reached the Dawn Winery, Diluc was suddenly overwhelmed by his heat. Maybe it was the scent of home, or maybe it was the smell of his scent and the beautiful alpha's scent mixed together. It smelled like a perfect place to make his nest, and he immediately began trying to strip his clothes to do so.

"Upstairs... Please hurry. It hurts," he groaned. The alpha's response was muddled in his heat-heavy brain aside from hearing him call Diluc "dearest garnet." The phrase sent Diluc's pulse racing and his hopes of having his heat sated by Zhongli increased evermore. It was so tender and affectionate.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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