(6) Morning, Recovery, and Orange Joe

Start from the beginning

He firmly grabbed onto her hand, leaning against her more as he sighed, the guilt and heartbreak making him second guess everything he wanted to do. But... it hurt him more to see his sister alive and suffering as much as she was. He didn't know how much he could actually do, unable to feel and being sp physically weak... but he had to do his best... to keep MARI happy. If not for himself...then for MARI...

....After few minutes of relaxing against her, fully awake and wishing he could feel her warmth, MARI took a sharp breath. Her eyes opened wide, her breath getting quicker before she looked around, exhaling sharply before she leaned back again.

She was still in the hospital, the same place she was when she realized this wasn't a dream. And feeling SUNNY resting against her, feeling at ease, even with her arms having fallen asleep from the position she's been in. She barely noticed and wouldn't have cared; SUNNY was in her arms again, holding onto her with whatever strength he could, and she finally felt at ease.

SUNNY opened his eye when he heard MARI wake up, turning his head to her as she readjusted herself. Their eyes had met, MARI seeing the life he had in them once again as tears began swelling up in her eyes, her smile growing the more she looked at him. SUNNY looked concerned, seeing her cry again as he put a hand on hers.

SUNNY: "MARI?" He cleared his throat, his voice still sounding rasp and tired "Are... you okay?" He sounded worried, his face actually showing expression, catching MARI off guard before she shook her head quickly.

MARI: "Y-Yes! Yeah, I'm... I'm okay, SUNNY..." She sniffled, wiping her eye before hugging him gently. "I'm just.... I'm just so happy! So, so happy...." She hugged him tighter and kissed his head, laughing lightly

SUNNY gave a relieved sigh in her arms, leaning into the hug as he weakly wrapped his arms around her. He could still only hear his heartbeat pulsing in his ear, but he could so clearly hear her speak.

MARI: "I love you, SUNNY... so much..." She said in a somber, genuine tone.

SUNNY was caught off guard by this, eyes wide open as he heard her say that. It sounded so real, such genuine affection and love coming from her. It... hurt him to hear that. His heart ached when he heard her say that, a mix of emotions stirring within him. His memories flashing for a brief moment, shutting his eye before he heard MARI sniffle again. She was happy, and she just told him she loved him. So, even with his inner conflictions, he took a deep breath and hugged her.

SUNNY: "I... I love you too, MARI. I... love you too..."

AUBREY and HERO'S questions came to mind as he said that, hugging her tighter as doubt creeped into his mind. MARI even heard that doubt when he said it, but she was too overwhelmed with the embrace that she put it aside for now, hugging him nuzzling against his head. Both of them, at least for this moment, pushed any doubt of fear aside and simply embraced one another, all while the sun shone brightly through the window, bringing a new day to FARAWAY TOWN... and to the two broken siblings...





12:31 PM

MARI had her hands clasped together, leaning forward as she was silently praying. The Doctors found out about SUNNY'S state and had to run some tests, checking his vitals and reflexes, making sure that he was okay internally. The waiting made MARI anxious, sighing lightly until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked back and saw SUNNY rubbing her shoulder, sitting up and still looking concerned about her.

The fact he had the strength to do that much did put her at ease, smiling faintly as she put her hand on his. This made him ease up, returning the faint smile before looking at her hand. Still nothing... this disheartened him, making his smile fade as her did too

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