Epilogue Part 1:

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Epilogue Part 1:

6 months on and MC was no closer too finding Jake he had sent her a few messages, the last one he sent said he had too go into hiding. MCs search had taken her out of duskwood and into the city she had just checked into a motel for the night as it was getting late. She dropped her bag on the floor as it was late she decided too order takeout. After placing the order she went too take a shower and freshen up she changed into some sweatpants and Jake's hoodie. MC sat down on the bed looking at her phone for any sign from Jake no new messages. Looking at the last thing Jake said made a tear roll down her face she felt her heart breaking.

Jake: I love you MC
MC: I love you Jake

MC managed too pull her self togethe just as there was a knock at the door, grabbing some cash from her bag she opened the door and paid for her takeout. Sitting down on the bed MC switched the TV on flicking through the channels V for Vendetta was on. MC left the movie playing while she ate her food, after getting rid of the Chinese containers she sat back down checking her phone again. Still no messages from Jake, looking at the last message Jake had sent.

Jake: I love you MC
MC: I love you Jake

Not being able too sleep MC pulled out her laptop and began too search for abandoned buildings in the area. A few came up in her search that she would check out in the morning. She checked on the tracker but is had stopped giving out a signal she had spoken too Victor about it, he said it was more than likely Jake was somewhere the signal couldn't get through. MC pulled up a map on her laptop trying too pinpoint exactly where Jake was but it was no use. The next morning MC woke having not really slept went too take a shower and got changed. She went too grab a coffee from the cafa on the corner after grabbing a coffee she got onto the car that her mum had let her use. Pulling up the locations of the abandoned buildings she made her way too the first one.

MC parked the car out of sight and went too check out the building, inside there was old broken machine's, bits of paper on the floor, dust everywhere. This place really was abandoned searching the lower level MC came across some stairs she made her way up slowly not too make a noise. There was no signs of life anywhere, no sign of anyone having stayed here. Having had no luck MC made her way back too the car. When she got back in the car she crossed the building off her list, MC started the engine making her way too the next location. Later that night after having no luck finding Jake she made her way back too the motel. Sitting on the bed she looked at her phone no new messages from Jake. Looking at the last message he sent her a tear fell from her eye.

Jake: I love you MC
MC: I love you Jake

Having feeling defeated she grabbed the left over Chinese takeout, while she waited for her laptop too start up she switched the TV on for some background noise. Not really paying attention too what was on the tele a news report came up. It was about a wanted hacker apparently he had been spotted in France the report said if anyone came across him too ring the police straight away. MC started too wonder if Jake ralyly was in France. It didn't matter too MC she would travel the world if it meant she would get Jake back.

I need too expand my search a little further, Jake as too be around here somewhere I have too find him. I need too try and narrow this search down why the hell does Colville have too be so big. Come on Jake give me a sign any sign that you are at least okay, I won't give up on finding you I will search for the rest of my life if I need too. Hell I'd even sell my sole too the devil if it meant I'd get you back by my side. By chance I take another look at the map and come across a few more places that I missed, should I go check them out now that it's dark I might get somewhere.

Right it's now or never if I am going out on this midnight mission then I need too make sure I'm well prepared. Come on MC you can do this remember you are doing this for Jake.

MC grabbed Jake's hoodie and a torch she grabbed her keys and headed back out into the night, she doubled checked the map before setting off. Taking a deep breath MC put the key in and started the car before she reached the first building she switched off her headlight's. Parking up MC made her way towards the building as she opened the door it made a loud noise echoing around th building. This building was completely empty nothing and noone was there. After feeling like she had checked everywhere she made her way back too the car. As she was leaving MC spotted a sign on the wall it was a red eye with Nym-Os written underneath it. Tears ran down her face this was a sign that Jake had been here. She was maybe getting closer too him, it's like he knew she woulr search here and left this sign on the wall.

Taking a picture of the sign MC made her way back too her car, feeling like she was getting somewhere MC decided too go check out the next place. Once again MC made sure too park put of sight grabbing her torch. MC made her way towards the building just like the last not much was in the building, in the distance she could see a light was it from a computer screen? MC decided too go check it out moving quietly as she got closer it was just an old TV and someone sleeping in the corner.

After making her way out she got back into the car, it was now 2am sleep was trying too take over her body. MC decided too check out at least one more place before going back too the motel.

Walking through the building she could hear all kinds of noises every movement made her jump. Fear started too take over before she knew what was happening she felt someone grab hold of her. They pinned her too the wall not letting her move an inch. When she finally got a look at the face it was a crazed homeless man pinning her too the wall by the neck. She tried her best too break away from his grip but he was just too strong. MC could feel the last gasps of air leave her body everything starting too go back. The only thing she heard before passing out was the crazed man dragging her away.

MC tried and tried too fight back but her body just wouldn't let her, MC just managed too let out a screem but the man didn't care he just continued too drag her way. Her screams started too get louder as she was being dragged away the man dropped her too the floor standing over her. He raised his hand but before his hand could make any sort of contact with MCs face someone grabbed hold of him. Pushing him too the ground and knocking him out the figure came over too MC and picked her up.
MC wasn't sure if it was from lack of breath but she was sure she could smell Jake's scent was her senses playing tricks on her? Was she really in Jake's arms, had he been the one too save her from danger. Had he found her before she had a chance too keep looking for him MC whispered Jake's name softly.

MC: Jake, is that really you? Have you come too save me?
Jake: it's me MC, don't worry I've got you you are safe now

MC: I love you Jake
Jake: I love you MC

As Jake was carrying MC out too the car she passed out in his arms, he put her on the back seat carefully. He knew the motel she was staying in so be drove back too her room once they arrived Jake helped MC out of the car. MC was still a little groggy so Jake lay her down on the bed. Jake saw that MC still had the ring on her finger and couldn't help but smile she really had waited for him.

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