Chapter 11

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Jake's POV
Sometimes in life things start too catch up with you, when they do it's time too go

Chapter 11
It had been a couple of weeks now since Jake leaked the documents he found, he was having too cover his tracks so he wouldn't be found. MC was helping him the best she could leaving false news reports so the government would follow them. As the weeks went on Jake was having too work overtime on keeping his pursuers from getting too him. He was seeing MC less and less as it went on, he was so focused on keeping them away he had forgotten about their date night.

MC: Jake, where the hell are you?
MC: will you please text me back I've been ready for hours now
MC: you know what screw you!!

When Jake was finally done he was able too take a break, he looked over at his phone and saw missed calls and texts from MC.

Jake: MC I am so so sorry, I never meant too forget about our date I want you too know that I love you and I will make it up too you x

The next morning MC woke up too the text from Jake, she didn't bother too reply throwing her phone on the bed she went downstairs too get breakfast. Now that MC was 18 she didn't have school anymore and was waiting for the college year too start. Her mum had already gone too work so she had the house too her self, as she was making breakfast there was a knock at the door. Putting her bowl down she went too answer and found Jake standing there with flowers.

Jake: MC, please forgive me I am so sorry please let me make it up too you
MC: what do you have in mind?
Jake: let me take you out too breakfast and then we can go shopping
MC: I waited for hours last night like an Idiot I thought you would show.
Jake: I will never let it happen again I promise MC
MC: let me go change and then you can make it up too me

MC went too shower and change she picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt she put on a little make up leaving her hair down. She put on her black boots and leather jacket when she came down Jake was sat waiting for her.

MC: Jake, I'm really
Jake: you look amazing MC
MC: your such a charmer, I can't stay mad at you Jake I love you
Jake: I love you MC

Jake took MCs hand and headed out too breakfast, after breakfast they went shopping. They spent the whole day together  having such a lovely time together. The night wasn't over yet as Jake was taking MC too watch a movie and then dinner. As the night drew too an end MC and Jake were walking down the street hand in hand. Just as they were about too turn the corner 2 black cars where parked outside Jake's house. 4 men got out of the cars and knocked on Jake's door, he quickly pulled MC down a side alley waiting for them too leave. Once they left Jake and MC came out from the alley way luckily for Jake no one was home when the agents came round.

MC: are you going too tell me what that was about?
Jake: im sorry, that was the FBI they are after me
MC: let me guess because of what you did
Jake: I told you it would come with risks
MC: yeah but you never said anything about the FBI
Jake: look MC, I'm going too have too leave for awhile I can't stay in duskwood
MC: what!! Your leaving but you can't surly there is another way
Jake: I really wish there was, but sadly this is the only way

MC wrapped her arms around Jake holding him close as tears rolled down her face, they held onto each other no words needed too be spoken. MC broke away so she could see Jake looking into his eyes she kissed him deeply. They quickly made their way back too Jake's and MC helped him pack the things he needed. He wrote a letter too his mum and dad he left instructions too destroy the letter. This way is could not come back on his dad with his job with the CIA.

Jake: we will find away back too each other I promise, I love you MC
MC: I love you Jake so much I will find you I won't stop until I've found you
Jake: I will contact you soon as I can do not worry about me, I will be okay
MC: Jake, you know I will always worry about you being out there alone
Jake: I love you, I love you so much MC
MC: I love you Jake so much

They wrapped their arms around each other kissing each other deep, Jake picked up his bag kissing MC one last time. Tears fell from both their eyes their hearts breaking. MC watched Jake walk out of his room she fell too the floor the tears falling even more. She managed too get herself together and grabbed a few of Jake's t-shirts and hoodie. MC went back too her house going straight too her room falling onto the bed hugging Jake's hoodie. MC slowly fell asleep hugging Jake's hoodie the next morning she woke up grabbed a shower, got dressed and went too see Sophie and Victor.

Sophie: hi MC come on in
MC: I'm so sorry for all of this
Victor: it's not your fault MC and it's not Jake's either, we both understand why he did what he did.
MC: I feel so lost with out him I need too find him
Victor: I shouldn't be doing this but I have something for you that will help you too find Jake

Victor got up from his chair making his way over too a draw pulling out a tracking device. He explained how it worked and how she could use it too help find Jake it would send an untraceable signal too Jake. The signal would let him know that MC was tracking him and not too be worried.

MC: thank you Victor, Sophie you have been so good about all this
Sophie: we care about you MC you are part of this family, I am worried about him as a mother should but he's got a good head on them shoulders.
Victor: I will do what I can too help I have a few contacts that owe me a few favours

MC hugged them both goodbye making her way home too start the search.

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