Chapter 5

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Jake's POV
When that special someone comes into your life, don't ever let go of them your true love is always by your side

Chapter 5

Jake and MC got put into most of the same classes together, they spent a lot of time together laughing and joking. The only time they weren't together was when MC had art class and Jake had a free period. He would spend his time waiting for her in the computer room. He couldn't believe just how close they had gotten, he often wondered if MC had feeling for him. Just by the way she would touch his arm and brushing his hair out of his face.

He quickly dismissed the thought as they were best friends, MC had moved too duskwood with her mum from Arizona her mum was a lawyer and had decided too move her practice too duskwood. She had opened up her practice and was always busy but she would always find the time too be there for her daughter. MC had finished art class and went too find Jake she knew where he would be. She often found her self thinking about him, the way he would look at her the slightest touch. Was she really falling for her best friend? She knew she couldn't say anything as she didn't want too lose Jake.

MC: there you are, right where i knew you would be

Jake: your class go okay?

MC: yeah it was good, my next project is too draw someone in my life that means a lot too me

Jake: who are you going too pick? Your mum?

MC: I was thinking of you, we are best friends and you do mean alot too me

Jake: am sure there are better suited people than me

MC: oh come on Jake, please

Jake: fine, you can draw me I can't say no too my bestie

MC: yay, thank you your the best

In all the excitement MC kisses Jake on the lips, leaving them both looking into each others eyes. In shock at what she did MC backed off a little not really knowing what too do.

MC: Jake, I'm sorry I didn't mean too do that i just got excited that I.. you..

Jake: it's okay, don't worry about it come on we will be late for science

Jake took hold of MCs hand and they both headed too their next class.


Did I really just do that did I really just kiss Jake on the lips, he as such warm sort lips. I have been seeing Jake in a different light I think I'm falling in love with him but I can't tell him. I can't lose him he's my best friend I should try my best too push my feelings away. Did he really just grab hold of my hand? His skin is so soft and warm I never want this moment too end but I know it will. Jake won't feel the same way about me I mean why would he? He can have anyone in the school all the girls seem too crush on him. Oh fuck!! I love him, I'm in love with Jake

Jake's POV

Wow she just kissed me her lips tasted of blueberry's, it was the perfect kiss I didn't want her too stop. Why is she backing away? Was the kiss not good for her? Do I not kiss good? Every inch of me is wanting too pull her back towards me so I can feel her soft lips back on mine. I can see the way she is looking at me, she thinks I didn't want it too happen but deep down I have wanted it too happen for so long now. I've just been so afraid of making any advances incase I lose her as my best friend. I tell her that it's okay she's my best friend and nothing will change that. Without thinking I take her hand and lead us out of the computer room.

Jake and MC finish their last class for the day as it's Friday it's MCs turn too stay over at Jake's. They always stay up and watch scary movies MC often wondered if Jake picked them just so she would cuddle up too him. When they got back too Jake's house Sophie had left them some money for takeout as she and Victor had gone away for the weekend. Later that night Jake got the movies ready while MC ordered takeout and got the drinks and junk food ready.

MC: I think that's everything

Jake: you got my favourite chips

MC: of course, I wouldn't forget them i know how much you love them

Jake: I got the movies ready first up is the first Halloween movie

MC: my favourite movie, you really know me so well

They both sat down and Jake started the movie, MC cuddled up too Jake while they watched the movie. Half way through the door bell rang their takeout had arrived, while MC got the plates Jake went too pay for the food. Jake brought the food into the kitchen helping MC put the food on the plates. Their hands touched as they both reached for the chop sticks the heat between them was racing. Somehow Jake managed too shake it off and refocus on what was happening, he grabbed the plates and took them into the living room. MC snapped out of her thoughts and followed Jake. Her heart was racing her feelings for Jake seemed too be getting stronger could MC really tell Jake how she really feels? Could she risk their friendship just like that. She stood and thought about it and decided not too say anything yet it had too be the right time, when ever that would be.

They both sat back down Jake started the movie, while they sat and ate every now and then she would look at him he took her breath away. He was sat drinking his soda with a straw, was MC really jealous of a straw? She kept trying too shake the thought from her mind but it was proving difficult.
Jake: MC? MC? Are you okay?

MC: oh sorry, yeah what's wrong?

Jake: the movie finished 5 minutes ago are you sure your okay?

MC: yeah I'm fine, nothing too worry about Jake, now come on let's watch the next movie.

Jake put on the next movie of choice the second IT movie, this was one of Jake's favourite's. MC didn't mind it but it wasn't one of her favourite's.


Did Jake put this movie on knowing I will cuddle up too him? Does he know I'm in love with him? I don't know what the hell I'm doing why do I have too be I love with my best friend. I didn't ask for this too happen but it as, I really don't know how too handle all this. Next week we are going on a filed trip too the mountain's maybe I should tell him then. If it all goes wrong as least I'll have my own room too escape too maybe one day I will marry him and have lots of babies.

MC get your head together women!! He's your god damn best friend, you can't keep thinking like this. If you want too keep him in your life don't let him know how you truly feel and just be his best friend.

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