Chapter 6

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Jake's POV

I think it really was ment too be this way we where supposed too find each other and be in each others lives.

Chapter 6

The day of the filed trip had arrived MC had been thinking about this moment all week, she had been trying her best too hide her feelings from Jake. The more she tried the more he noticed something wasn't right he had asked her a couple of times but she would always tell him she's fine. He decided not too push her too much he could see she was trying too figure out how too deal with what was bothering her. The coach arrived they found seats at the back they sat and talked and joking around.

They arrived at the mountain lodge as there wasn't much left of the day the geography teacher said they could have the day too them selfs. They put their bags in MCs room and went too explore their surroundings. They walked up the path too a lake it was beautiful the birds where singing, the water looked so inviting. MC decided too sit down under a tree watching the lake.

Jake: MC, please tell me what's bothering you I don't like see you like this

MC: Jake you just wouldn't understand it's complicated

Jake: MC I'm your best friend you can tell me anything, please MC

MC: it's difficult for me too say this just know that I will understand if you don't want too be my friend after I tell you.

Jake: I'll always be your best friend MC

MC took a deep breath trying too recenter herself, she turned too look at Jake his bright blue eyes looking back at her.

MC: Jake, since the day I met you I've...I...erm....I....

Jake: what is it MC?

MC: I'm in love with you Jake, there I said it feel free too hate me now

Jake looked on in shock at what MC had just said, not knowing what too do or say he said something so stupid.

Jake: thank you
MC: what!! I tell you I'm in love with you and all you can say is thank you?

Jake: MC, I am so sorry I never meant too say that, what you said caught me off guard

MC: I should never of told you how I felt I'm sorry Jake

Before Jake could reply MC got up and walked away, Jake just sat there watching as the love of his life walked away.

Jake's POV

How the hell could I of been so stupid who the hell says thank you, of course I love you back MC. I always have done I always will, I need too do something too fix this I can't lose her. She means the world too me my heart breaks knowing she's so upset after what I just said.

Jake got up from his spot and ran too catch up with MC, she was sat by the water fountain tears running down her face. It broke Jake's heart too see her so upset he walked over too her and took her hand.

Jake: MC, I am so sorry for what I just said

MC: save it Jake, it's okay I get it you don't feel the same back

Jake: but I do MC I am totally crazy about you, I have been since I first met you, when you told me you loved me I wasn't expecting you too feel the same.

MC: you really mean that? You feel the same way about me?

Jake: MC you are a work of art, I am so in love with you I want us too be together, let's try this again.

MC: Jake what do you mean?

Jake: tell me again how you feel, please just go with it

MC: okay, Jake I am so in love with you I've had feelings for you for so long now I just can't fight it anymore and I do not want too.

Jake: MC, you mean the absolute world too me, I've loved you from day one when you bumped into me that day it changed my life for ever. I love you so much

MC sat looking into Jake's eyes she could see that he meant every word, she got up and wrapped her arms around his neck. They both looked deep into each others eyes their lips slowly getting closer too each others. When they touched it was like electric was running through their bodies everything just felt so right. When they parted Jake took hold of MCs hand kissing it up and down.

They decided too go back too MCs room getting some food on the way, they sat on the bed snuggled up together. Their hands interlaced with each others, the moment was perfect. The next morning MC woke up wrapped in Jake's arms, she looked over at him and couldn't help but smile. She brushed the hair out of his face so she could take in his beauty.


I can't believe he really feels the same way about me, I never expected it too go this way. I actually told him that I love him, he told me he loves me how did I get so lucky he's so hot. I can't help but lay next too him taking in every feature on his face, he looks so peaceful laying there sleeping. I find my hand stroking his soft skin just the touch of his skin sends a warm feeling all over my body.

I see him start too wake up I lean down and kiss his soft warm lips, I can't help but just smile. He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer too him Jake kissing my neck sends goosebumps all over my body.

MC: good morning handsome

Jake: good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?

MC: I did, very much so did you sleep well?

Jake: with you by my side I did

They both lay and cuddled for awhile before getting up Jake stole a kiss from MC before he went too shower. Every fiber of her being wants too go into that bathroom but she couldn't. She wasn't ready for that massive step yet, that was something for when they were both a lot older. She sat on the bed playing on her phone waiting for Jake too finish, as she heard Jake switch the shower off she got off the bed and went too look through her unpacked bag for some clothes. Finally settling on a pair of black skinny jeans and her favourite black hoodie, MC put her clothes down so she could close her bag back up. Jake had come out of the bathroom his hair still wet just the thought was sending MCs mind racing.

MC: you look so hot with wet hair

Jake: your hot full stop

MC kissed Jake on the lips she grabbed her fresh clothes and headed into the bathroom so she could shower. Jake sat on the bed towel drying his hair, once he finished he got their backpacks ready for the day. After MC had finished in the shower she dried her hair and they both headed down for some breakfast. Walking too breakfast their hands interlaced they were in pure bliss. After breakfast their teacher told them too go and research their surroundings. They had too pick a landmark and write a report on what they have found, they had a couple of days too get it all done.

MC and Jake grabbed their backpacks and headed out, still holding hands as they walked out of the lodge. Jake whispered in MCs ear making her giggle.

Jake: what do you think? It won't take me long

MC: okay, but just this once

Jake: I'll have it done in no time then we can go back too that spot we were at yesterday and make out.

Jake pulled out his laptop and tapped away at a few keys, he got a report up about one of the landmarks. He then hacked into the teacher's file on his laptop too find out the key points that he wouldn't tell us they had too find them. Jake finished typing away and put his laptop back into his bag.

Jake: all done, let go

MC: really? That was fast you have some skills

Jake: my dad reached me everything he knows i kind of picked hacking up by accident, but enough of that I want too make out with you.

MC: how can I say no

They walked down the path hand in hand too their spot, they both sat down and started too make out.

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