Chapter 1 (1 year later)

Start from the beginning

"Such pretty girls,we are gonna have so much fun." The man holding Leah said.

"So mu-" The man Holding Cordelia never finshed his sentence as blood gurgled out of his mouth.

Cordelia had twisted around,stabbing the man in the neck with her hidden scalpel.

"You and that damn scalpel." Carver smirked as he dodged a punch from a pale man.

"Fuck you bitch!" The man Holding leah 
Exclaimed as she grabbed his own knife and stabbed his stomach.

"Shut the hell up." She stated stabbing his head.

Cordelia stabbed the man who was choking on his own blood.

"Oops!" She sarcastically exclaimed as she threw her hunters knife at a man who was sneaking up on Carver.

Carver,who was in a fist fight didn't notice the other man sneaking up on him.

until a pained yell came from behind him,with his opponent distracted by his comrads yell he headbutted the man.

The man let out a pained yell falling to the ground,Carver Heard Cordelia run up to him.

Stomping on the dying mans head,she yanked her knife out of the mans back.

"Remind me not to piss you off." Carver said with admiration in his eyes.

"Gah!" another man exclaimed as Leah put him into a headlock.

"Watch out there's some more!" She yelled to them.

Three others came into view,The man who Carver headbutted ran to the one the middle.

"They ain't normal man,they fight like military!" He exclaimed.

"We are Military dumbass!" Carver exclaimed back with a eye roll.

"Actually im a Doctor,but either way your dead." Cordelia said with a raised brow.

With that the girl Launched herself at one of the men.

"You have a very annoying face." Cordelia stated as she grabbed the man in a chokehold.

"Shit!" Carver exlaimed as the leader stabbed his leg.

"God fucking dammit,why are you always getting stabbed in the leg!" Cordelia exclaimed.

"Okay,first of all Im not "always" getting stabbed in the-Im tryna have a conversation with my wife shitface." Carver said to the leader,who he slashed with his combat knife.

"Gah!" the leader exclaimed in pain.

"Focus!" Leah yelled.

"Yeah,yeah." Cordelia said slashing at the man who got out of her hold.

small time skip cause I suck at fight scenes.

"Come on out,dont make this any harder!" Carver exclaimed to the leader who ran off.

"C'mon you Coward,your men are all dead,you can run but at the end of the day you'll still be dead." Leah stated in a loud voice.

"Brandon your leg-" Cordelia started.

"Its fine,you can check it out after we find this son of a bitch." Carver said kissing his wife's forehead.

"Hurry up and check the stores lovebirds,he couldn't have gotten far."
Leah said with a small smile.


"Come out,come out wherever you are,you cant hide from us." Carver stated loudly.

"We arn't gonna kill you! we're gonna torture you,and then kill you,so come out you little shit!" Cordelia exclaimed fed up.

"Cordelia chill,I dont think that helping!" Leah yelled to her sister.

"Gahh!" A man yelled,as the three rounded a corner they saw the man they were hunting.

And let me tell ya it wasn't a pretty sight,he was being torn apart by six walkers.

"Well shit." Cordelia said to herself.

With that the three started shooting,luckily their guns had homemade silencers.

"Now Lets get to the damn hospital already!" Cordelia exclaimed while making sure Carver's leg was somewhat wrapped.

Tiktok: zaenighteditz

My other books:

Twilight (Not a damn cullen series):

Not a damn cullen(Paul lahote)
A sirens call(Embry call)

The 100:

The dragon and her knight
(Bellamy blake)

ouat ( For i am medusa series):

Neverlands snake goddess (Peter pan)
For I am medusa (regina mills)



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