"You will be fine, I promise." My mom reassures me. I can't tell her the truth of me being paranoid that Nick will come in here any second. Everyone else continues to eat and talk and Ethan puts his hand on my leg and gives it a small squeeze. I smile up at him as he takes the last bite of his burger. Our parents finish theirs and ask for the check.

"How was everything?" Nick's dad comes around the corner and asks.

"Great! Thank you." My mom answers for us.

"Bella, is that you? How are you doing?" He smiles at me.

"Hi, I am doing great. Thank you." I just want to hide, at least it is his dad and not Nick.

"Good, Nick made a fast recovery from the car accident he was in. He said you guys haven't talked in a while. I also heard you graduated, congratulations."

I smile at him, "Yes, Ethan and I did a few weeks ago. Thank you so much, I am happy Nick is doing good."

His father nods and hands Ethan's dad the bill and he hands him $50. "Keep the change. Thank you."

We head out the door and I feel like running to the truck. "It's okay, baby," Ethan says to me and it does make me feel better. I didn't know that the idea of seeing Nick would make me feel like this.

"That was a great meal. Let's go move you guys in!" My mom says as we buckle up in the truck. We agree with her and Robert heads to the apartment. I am so excited to live with Ethan, to have our own space together to make memories and start our future. We arrive at the apartment shortly and it is so cute. There is free parking, we have to use a key fob to enter our apartment or use the elevator, the rooms are spacious, and everything is updated. I love the white cupboards, the marble counter top, the large fridge, and open space between the kitchen and the living room. We each have our own rooms, I wonder if we will sleep separately in them?

My mom joins me in my room as I unpack my things. Robert made sure I had a desk in my room since that is usually where I study. I add my notebooks, pencils, pens, and sticky notes. I put my pictures on my desk of me and Jess, Ethan and I, and a few photos of me, my mom, and my dad before he passed away. She makes my bed and sits on it. "Honey?" 

I turn and look at her, "What's up?"

"You know, this is a big deal living with your boyfriend right after high school. I know most parents wouldn't allow it, but I trust you. I also trust Ethan and you guys have been very close for most of your lives. Do we need to have the talk? You know about safe sex? I would prefer if you slept in your own bed every night and you were careful. Always have him wear a condom. That kind of thing? I can't control what happens here when we leave and I think we need to talk about this." She grabs my hand and I feel mortified. My mom did not just try to have the talk with me.

"Thank you, but in 5th grade we got the talk in health class and back then I took notes so I think I know what safe sex is, mom." I turn to grab another box, I do not want to have this conversation with her.

"I know, but please be safe. If anything happens I will be to blame, you can't mess up your future."

"Yes, I understand. We will always be careful and sleep in separate beds. Now, can we please change the subject and finish unpacking?" I put down the box and she hugs me.

"Of course, I am so proud of you." I am happy she trusts me and didn't press the subject too hard. We put up decoration items, put all of my clothes in my closet and dresser drawers. We also organized my shoes and purses. I love my new room, it is perfect. I wonder how Ethan is doing with his? We finish unpacking my room and my mom heads to the kitchen to unpack and organize things. I lay down on my bed imagining college. I wonder if I will make any friends? I wonder how challenging my classes will be and if my professors will be nice?

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