The Doctor's Visit

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Jill couldn't help but feel incredibly awkward as she waited anxiously in the doctor's office wearing a slightly damp pull up. She was scared to death that it would leak, and even more scared of Alice finding out. She was already in enough trouble as it was. It certainly didn't help that they had left the house so quickly, and Jill didn't have a chance to go to the bathroom.

Suddenly Alice touched Jill's shoulder, causing her to jump. She had been lost in thought and hadn't realized the woman had approached.

"Jill? Are you with me?" Alice asked gently, looking at Jill closely with a concerned frown on her face. "I was asking how you were feeling. You look a bit pale and sweaty."

"I'm fine," Jill said, trying to put on a brave face, but she didn't have the energy to do so. She was exhausted and the last thing she wanted was to be at the doctors.

"Okay," Alice replied slowly, looking as if she didn't entirely believe Jill's words.

If Jill was being honest, she didn't believe herself either. The events of the day had left her feeling shaky and faint, and she dreaded having to tell the doctor. There shouldn't be anything wrong with her, but what if they found something? Or even worse, what if they found nothing at all and there was no reason why Jill should be having her accidents? How was she going to be able to explain that to Alice?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a nurse calling out her name.

"Jill? Jill Bennett?"

As Jill stood up to meet her doom, Alice gave her a pat on the back along with a whispered "good luck." Jill answered with a silently mouthed thanks and she plastered a nervous smile on her face as she approached the nurse.

"Are you Jill?" the nurse asked.

Jill nodded and answered with a simple, "Yes." The nurse nodded, gave Jill a gentle smile, and quietly guided her to a scale outside of room number five.

"Just step on the scale for me, hon," the nurse said gesturing towards the scale and waiting patiently for Jill to do so. Jill gave the nurse a skeptical look and begrudgingly stepped on the scale, glaring at the silver weighted numbers in front of her. She watched, with her eyes half closed, as the nurse played with the weights then carefully checked her height. Jill supposed she was average, but it wasn't her favorite to look at the numbers at all.

"Oh," the nurse said, looking between the numbers on the ruler in front of her, to Jill, and then the paperwork on her clipboard. "You're much smaller than I thought you would be. Interesting. Anyway, follow me."

Jill couldn't stop herself from shooting a glare at the nurse's back as they entered the examination room. She sat on the table in the middle of the room, wincing at the crinkling paper underneath her butt, and purposely kept her responses short as the nurse took the rest of her vitals. In the middle of her vitals being taken, there was a knock on the door and Dr. Hudson entered the room.

"Miss Bennett," Dr. Hudson said, shaking Jill's hand and sitting down on the wheely stool across from her. "How are you?"

"Uhm, please call me Jill," Jill replied shakily. She gave the nurse a small wave as she excited the room, and Jill shifted on the table once more, grimacing at the crinkle. "I suppose I'm all right." The words seemed to fall flat as they left Jill's mouth. Her voice wasn't at all up to its usual strength. She desperately needed to pee, and her nerves were not helping.

"Ah, all right," Dr. Hudson answered. "I'll try to remember. So, Miss Bennett – Jill – I must say I was quite surprised when I received an urgent call from Mrs. Morgan saying that her neighbor needed an emergency appointment at the earliest convenience. I assume it's something serious if she was so adamant that I see you today."

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