A Repeat Offense

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Jill shook her head to clear her thoughts. Her class was being quiet for once and her students were busy working on a math test and required little supervision. She of course had to make sure that they weren't cheating, but test days always made her a bit bored. If she wasn't keeping herself occupied, her mind was prone to wandering in every direction possible. That day was no exception. It didn't matter that the weekend was quickly approaching as she made sure to schedule her tests on Fridays, her mind was completely elsewhere.

In the weeks following her accident – that's what it was, right? – Jill tried very hard to keep her new provocative thoughts out of her mind. In fact, she preferred to pretend that her accident never happened at all, but it felt like almost every little thing that crossed her path seemed to remind her of what had occurred.

It was in the little things, such as a seemingly innocuous ad on the television or a billboard on the side of the road. She couldn't quite explain her thoughts and feelings that would be aroused. Jill had to admit to herself she had an almost longing just to try things again. As much as she tried to ignore the nagging thoughts in her brain, she couldn't get rid of them.

From the corner of her eye, Jill saw a half-raised hand and with a mental shrug, Jill shook her thoughts from her head.

"Yes, Jason?" Jill asked calmly, putting on a kind and knowing smile. "What is your question? You know I won't give out any answers even if you ask."

"How much time do we have left, Miss Bennett?" Jason asked while rubbing his nose roughly with the palm of his hand. Jill suppressed a grimace at the action, worried Jason would nearly poke his eye out with his pencil. Still, she glanced up at the clock at the back of the room.

"You have twenty more minutes," Jill replied, sighing inwardly as Jason stood up to announce to the class just how much time they had left. As if he was the town crier of their classroom, Jason smacked his hand on his desk multiple times, disrupting the quiet.

"Twenty more minutes!" Jason shouted out. "Twenty more minutes! Those with extra time get an extra twenty minutes! The rest are free to relax until the bell!" After his proud proclamation, Jason turned back to Jill with a massive smile and sat down back in his chair and continued on with his test as if nothing happened. Jill wished that it didn't.

To her relief, her students finished their tests well on time with Mari taking some extra time to finish with some gentle coaching. The girl suffered with dyslexia and Jill couldn't help but think that someone should give her some additional assistance outside of the classroom, but Jill did what she could. Mari was a spirited young girl and didn't let her dyslexia hold her back. If Jill could spend her entire day with Mari to help her, she would, but she was unable to spend her entire lessons helping just a single person. Luckily the rest of her students were quick to lend a hand where they could.

Like clockwork, Mike popped his head through the door of her classroom as the school day ended. Jill couldn't help but suspect that the young man had a crush on her.

"Hey, Jill," Mike said brightly. "How were your little rascals today? Mine were absolute terrors." He blew out a sigh, shaking his head and shoving his hands into his pockets as he leaned against the door frame. "They just wouldn't shut up no matter what I did."

"Mine were calm," Jill replied with a shrug. "Far calmer than what they were a few weeks ago. I know it has nothing to do with anything, but I still can't believe that storm we had." The moment the words left her lips, Jill felt her cheeks flush slightly and a familiar heat pool in her belly at the reminder of that particular day.

"Well, I'm glad at least someone's kids know how to behave," Mike chuckled. He ran a hand through his hair, looking between Jill and the direction of the exit of the school. He jerked a thumb over his shoulder with a slight shrug. "Hey, uhm, I really need to get out and have a drink today. Did you want to come join me?"

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