Chapter 7: Primarchs of the Damned PT 3

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Talking: "Ask me this Mother do I or do you hate me?"

Shouting: "ANGRON?!"

Bold: Ask inquisitor Grayfax if you want to know about the daemons

Mind/Thought: Horus is still alive....But that shouldn't be possible...

Action: *Sigh, Throw up*
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Y/n is apparently Blessed by a Eldar Goddess during his early stages of the 3rd crusade and due to him surviving such a serious wound against Mortarion.

Mortarion Noticed this as his organs inside began to Repair themselves almost instantaneously and was highly suspicious of him when that happened.

General pov

"Reunion at last" is what Lion El'Jonson thought now that their Brother there youngest sibling has returned to them long at last.

Y/n was between Sanguinius and Ferrus as The duo hugged the living hell out of him despite Vulkan Wanting to join in everyone else shouted in decline knowing what will happen if she did hug him.

The First Man of Iron laid On the Dirt its Chest shattered open thanks to the Indomitable Dawn's remaining Cannon as Y/n walked past it he gave it one last look before being carried by Mostly Vulkan to the drop ship.

"So Y/n I've got a Question to ask of You" Said Corvus as she sharpened her lighting claws her tone sounded much more Comfortable then usually it should've sounded much more Grumbled and Distasteful.

Y/n looked at her and nodded his head as Corvus began asking what happened during the Destruction of the Indomitable Dawn. "Well to answer that Question, I've begun repairing most of the equipment that could contact all of you but also trying to fix most of the major damage that happened to me mostly"

An Apothecary Marine was maintaining the Blood Tube supplying Y/n as they noticed the Hole was surprisingly closed and they tapped it carefully before standing up and facing the healing Primarch.

"Excuse me Lord Germanicus?" The Apothecary said as they got the attention of the Primarchs eyeing them and then coughing into their fist to reply back "I've been meaning to ask of this in short notice but Your wound from facing Mortarion days ago is Completely healed and fixed as if it never happened"

Manus Walked forward and Used her index finger to poke where Y/n's wound was and Surprising hit solid Flesh she recoiled her finger back "The apothecary Is correct.. The wound is indeed healed. Almost too quickly Apothecary were you certain this happened just now?"

"I'm Quite certain Lord Manus I check his wounds every 10-20 minutes just making sure if it hasn't opened or is leaking through the opening by chance but this was under nine minutes that It healed" the marine before walking towards the Cockpit of the Ship as Y/n looked towards his own fist.

"I do remember something Back when we were just on our 3rd crusade, I've seen a Woman... They looked like a Eldar and her Power was that of Mother" Y/n said before clenching his fist "She helped me she blessed my own body to self sustain itself under heavy Damage... she's the reason why I'm still alive and I thank her for it"

"An Eldar? You sure that's wise brother I mean that would've been considered heresy if you thanked her of all people. but if she did that to save your life then well I trust her" Lion replied as everyone nodded at there eldest siblings choice of words before she gave Y/n a quick glimpsing of a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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