part 23

602 21 11

Sapnap pov

"Yeah that one" "oh so yeah what
about him? I asked curiouse what happened,he was thankfull got the guy got saving dreams life and he was going today to meet him but karl called him as he was sick he had to go

"So yeah we found out he is scared of thunder and it is his trigger or something and he had a panic attack he kinda passed out" dream said but sapnap could tell he was worried

George muttered something like "i am going to kill whoever this" or something "huh? What George?" I ask "oh nothing" replied for him

"Well could I at least see him?" I ask,dream signs "i guess but wait for him to wake up fir-"before dream could finish his sentence the sound of glass break was heard from upstairs or more specifically the room where tommy was laid

George and dream look at each and nod,i mean come'on i fells so left out right now, come one guys i am also included in "dream team" (I personally think sapnap is a third wheel,I mean i just look at him and think "hmmm gr looks like third wheel")

They ran upstairs and i also ran ran upstairs,i almost tripped but we don't pay attention to that okay? Yeah so where were we,yeah me and both of them ran upstairs

Dream opened the door George was behind him and i was behind him

I could hear someone say dream from inside  as dream entered.that voice sound familiar

Dream pov

As i entered the room i could see Tommy sitting on the the bed really cautionly and aware of his surroundings like there is a wild animal there

The room was decent there was the bed that was attracted to the wall and one desk was kept on the side of it,the colour 3 side of the wall was baby blue and one side was while,there were LED light on the ceiling,there were some books laid on the desk

Tommy looked scared like he was in a forest and a wild animal is chasing after him,it boke me, me and George and already made an promise,not verbally but we have lived long enough to know that we both want to end whoever made Tommy like this


Sorry for the late update it's just the school and shit but also i found an really amazing fanfic that i was reading

It has the plot of like Tommy dieing and being put in the book that he reads and being recarnated as the villain of that book who is theses and also Theseus I'd like a ghost that rome near him and he ahave to stop from killing everyone and himself

I am not good at summery but if you liked it tell me ill put the link in the next chapter,it's on ao3 btw

Now i have to go as i do have update other books byeeeee

A World With You In It Is Worth Protecting (Rewriting)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora