part 21

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I just hit 2k on this book!!!

Omfg,okay so this is real thank you soooooo much guys (guys is an mutual gender for me now and if you agree with me then tell everyone that it is) it seriously means the world to you guys are soo fucking cool!

It is my first book and i never thought i would even reach 100 readers (i was about to say viewers) i am just so grateful

Anyways thank you for reading

Injoy :)


Dreams pov (look another pov that's not Tommy yay!)

George was on his laptop and i was talking we were talking to right now but he went for a drink,a hot chocolate to be specific,he says it a big man drink

Okay,i am gonna be honest here,that kid had grown on me faster then the speed of light,okay that's a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point,even fucking sapnap not George had done that

It has only been a couple of weeks but i can already tell you i could kill anyone for him or even get killed,look heroes aren't as pure and kind as the society petrey th(i forgot to write it in normal so the top part you have ignore the fact that it is litrelly written in body and italic okay) the heroes.i could kill a person if it ment that George and sapnap will be safe and now Tommy too

There are only few people on my protect list who i consider my own,who are George,sapnap,puffy aka my mom,foolish aka my brother,and now i guess Tommy, and the rest of the hero tower i guess i mean i care for them they are my friend but i don't think I'll give my life for them protect them yes but i won't give my life for them

I mean Tommy letrelly saved my life i don't even know if i would be alive right now if he wasn't there!,plus i need to protect him he's such a ray of sunshine he need to be protected from this cruel humanity and my endermen instict had already made him an family,he was family the day he patch me up

I could see George's wall breaking,he is a person that keep to uinselve except for a few people but Tommy really did a toll on him,i don't blame him tho,he has some kind of aura which make everyone like him emediatly

He looks like 14,i am just thinking when could i adopt him i could already see sapnap adoring him,he did tell us he was an orphan,he almost give us an heart attake

It was thundering too so yeah we offer Tommy a ride Back home,we exchanged phone number too,tho i did see him trembeling when ever a lighting happened

I was bought back to real life with a sound of thug coming from where tommy went

George pov (another new pov yay!)

I heard a sound of thug coming from where tommy went and i was conserned,he's a just a kid a kid who we are gonna adopt and i could already tell dream has no problem with it

Me and dream looked at each other with a conserned look we rushed to the counter to see Tommy there, holding his temple


See you next time Aya!

I got lazy okay,don't blame me!

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