Since I had reached late, I only got about twenty minutes to eat without getting a schedule shoved in our faces. I was almost done my second pancake, then Paul walked in and told us where we were going and what we were going to do for the day.

"Morning lads. How's the morning been?" Paul asked coming in with a paper in his hand.

"Niall's really tired still, he woke up late." Liam said rubbing my scalp to mess up my hair as if it wasn't messed up enough from waking up.

"Oh, well you'll get shaken awake sometime. We've gotten a busy schedule for us today." Paul said waving around the long sheet in his hand. I looked at a bit of the words on the paper, and from what it looked like, we weren't going to be back in the hotel until ten o'clock and we'd still be doing some other shit by then too.

"Oh god." Zayn said seeing the big list of things. Zayn was never the one to like a big schedule because he'd end up napping at least once the entire day and he'd always miss some of the most important things we had to do, but he was improving slightly more as time progressed and we all seemed to notice that. However that didn't mean that we still didn't make fun of him for it.

"Don't worry, i'll bring a pillow for you Zayn." Harry joked around causing laughter from all of us. Even Paul himself too. To be truthfully honest though, I felt like i'd be the one napping today instead of Zayn and that pillow did sound like a good idea for me, but it wasn't like this fatigue of mine was anything extreme.

I was probably just so drowsy from our concert yesterday. I went to bed freezing because I bottle of water got thrown at me on stage and it pretty much soaked my shirt and I had to go change for the encore which did take a bit of time considering I had to be dried off. However if the worst came, I was probably just going to catch a cold soon and that was why I felt drowsy.

Though I was heavily convinced that that wasn't going to happen at all. I mean, I found it physically impossible to get sick so quickly, however it was until today where i'd find out. Hopefully i'd last through the amount of activities we had on our schedule today.

"Ok so you lads have to start shooting your music video for Ready To Run, and that's all." Paul said, his face looking blank after that. We all shot each other a confused look, thinking that Paul had maybe forgotten some things off of today's schedule. After all we were told that it was going to be a busy day and so far we only had one thing to do.

"That's all?" Harry asked skeptically.

"The whole day. That means that we're shooting four times as much a day as we would be on any other day. We'll basically complete half of the music video today if we try hard enough." he said. Now that completely made sense of why it was a busy day. I knew i'd be just as right as i'd thought. Now my only challenge was to make sure I made it through the rest of the day without collapsing of either stress or exhaustion.


After we left from the hotel and reached our not as yet ready set for the music video, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry and I had all gotten some free time before we had to get ready to shoot for the video because not everyone was ready to shoot yet. We were told it would be about a full hour before we got to shoot and I knew that that one hour period of free time was something that I had to take advantage of.

It was probably going to be the only rest that I got throughout the day as long as I was concerned. I decided to walk into our dressing room to see where would be a good place to get some shut- eye. When I walked in, I was immediately greeted by the smell of chips and other snacks. I looked to see Liam watching a movie on the TV on a very low volume which was just perfect for me.

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