Chapter 8

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Continues from the previous chapter...

No one's pov

Davina and Josh just drove away from the school "oh my god, I almost kissed Kol Mikaelson!" Davina exclaimed "and I totally kissed..." Josh started but stopped himself short. "You kissed who?" she asked tilting her head "it doesn't matter. This is about you, you danced with Kol Mikaelson and nearly kissed him" he replied trying to divert the conversation from him. He wasn't about to tell her that he kissed Jeremy after saving him from being hassled by Damon who was teasing him. 

They kissed in private, and it wasn't just a simple peck on the lips, it was a make out session.

"So what did he say when he found out you were you?" Josh questioned and Davina let out a sigh "he didn't say anything because he didn't find out" she replied making him turn to her as they reached a red light.

"You didn't tell him? Why not?" he pondered furrowing his eyebrows "Josh, I live in an attic, okay? I drive a beat-up old car and he's expecting Malibu barbie's friend" she stated sighing as she rested her head on her hand. "I'll be doing him a favor, if I just disappear" she added and Josh shook his head, thinking she was insane but knew it was her insecurities playing up.

Davina's eyes suddenly widened as Fiona's car pulled up beside his car. Fiona and the twins were inside. She slapped Josh on the shoulder "Josh, just drive" she said in an urgent tone when suddenly the twins looked their way and went wide eyed as they saw Davina.

"Davina!" they exclaimed making Davina duck down in her chair so they couldn't see her "mom! It's Davina she's over there!" Mary-Alice exclaimed pointing to Josh's car and Fiona looked over but only saw Josh since Davina had ducked down to hide.

"Hi, Mrs Claire" Josh greeted with a small smile "mom, she was there. She's in the car" Genevieve stated "yeah, we saw her mom" Mary-Alice added but Fiona just shook her head. "That's ridiculous. She's working at the diner tonight. She would never disobey me" Fiona said as she adjusted her bra and pushed her boobs up.

The light on Josh's side suddenly turned green and he quickly sped away. "Mom she was there" Mary-Alice stated "she was with him, in that car" Genevieve added "I saw...." Mary-Alice began but Fiona stopped them. "Shut your cat faces!" she snapped making the two go quiet.

Meanwhile with Davina and Josh "did they see me?" she asked as she popped back up "I don't think Fiona did but the wannabe Olsen twins might have" Josh replied making her huff "I know you want to take care of this car but can you step on it?" Davina asked in a pleading tone.

"In case you haven't noticed. I'm already driving over the current limit, Davina" he replied and she sighed as he missed a green light. "Josh you could've totally made that light" she stated "FYI, Davina yellow means slow down, not speed up" he retorted "I need the fast and the furious, not driving Miss Daisy" Davina stated as she leaned back in her seat when suddenly a familiar car zoomed down the road across from them, audible screaming could be heard from it.

Josh and Davina's eyes widened "was that...." Josh trailed off as Davina nodded before the light turned green and Josh sped off towards the diner.

The diner....

Fiona and the twins strolled into the diner "ha, I told you she wasn't here!" Mary-Alice shouted, "zip it!" Fiona demanded making her daughter frown as she walked over to Cami.

"Where is Davina?" she asked and Cami frowned "what do you mean, where is Davina?" she questioned with her arms folded. "Where do you think she is?" she added standing in her way "she better be here" Fiona stated before shoving past her.

"Fiona, I was gonna talk to you about something that I really...Fiona wait!" Cami shouted after her as she inched closer to the counter. "I want to get my breasts done. Where did you get those?" Cami asked gesturing to Fiona's boobs "San Diego, excuse me" she replied before shoving past her once again.

Eleanor suddenly popped up from under the counter "did you notice how shiny the floors are since we switched to Mr. Clean?" she asked standing in her way "what are you? A commercial, click" Fiona retorted before harshly shoving her out of the way, nearly making her crash into a table if it weren't for Cami grabbing hold of her.

Marcel appeared "Fiona, I'm so glad you're here because the fish. Nemo is no more, smell" he explained as he held up a salmon towards her face, she just slapped it away as she turned her face away. Sophie walked up "there is a tear in one of the booths. We were gonna tell you" she stated standing beside Marcel who held up the fish again.

"What am I supposed to do with this fish?" he asked and Fiona grew annoyed "everyone shut up!" she yelled banging her purse on the side of the counter making the whole diner go quiet. 

"When I find her, I'm gonna wring her...." she trailed off before a ding sounded through the diner "orders up!" Davina announced from the open kitchen wearing a black shirt and a pink apron over it, she had some flour on her cheeks.

"Davina. What are you doing back there?" Fiona questioned looking at her "just working on my cooking skills" she replied "yeah, I was teaching her to make pancakes with salmon" Marcel piped up holding the salmon in his hands.

"How was the dance girls?" Davina asked looking at Genevieve and Mary-Alice who just frowned at her. "You know something stinks around here and it's not the fish" Fiona stated scrunching up her face as she glanced around the diner.

"Come on, girls" she stated before walking out of the diner with the twins who complained "you bit me, you dumb face" Mary-Alice complained "car smells like bad cheese" Genevieve stated as they tried to slide back into the car. "Don't put your dirty paws on me" she complained to Mary-Alice "stop pushing me" she complained before finally getting in the car.

Fiona drove towards the exit of the parking lot at the same time Josh did making the cars almost collide which caused Josh to drive into the sign.

"What is he doing here?" Mary-Alice questioned looking at him as he looked back at them with a sheepish smile "Mrs Claire...." he started when suddenly the sign fell from it's post straight onto the bonnet of Josh's car making Fiona and the girls scream in shock while Josh went wide eyed and let out a small cry.

"Your sign hit my car" he stated with a winch, knowing his dad was going to kill him for this.

Fiona drove off with the girls complaining beside her, the whole journey home.

End of chapter

What did you think? Things got a little intense. Davina and Josh racing to get back to the diner before her stepmother and stepsisters. Her stepsisters being crazy. Poor Josh and his car. Stay tuned for more

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