Chapter 3

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Continues from previous chapter....

No one's pov

"Buenos dais, fighting frogs" a guy greeted over the intercom as students littered the school courtyard and walked the halls.

"Here's your daily drought reminder to conserve water. Cut your showers short, Brownie points go out to Mr. Rotham, who hasn't had one in weeks" the guy said earning a few chuckles from few students that were actually listening and paying attention to the announcement.

"Also remember, today's your last chance to get tickets to the big Halloween homecoming dance" he announced "you too can dress up like someone you're not, for a change" he added before sighing "I mean, I..." he started but was cut off by the vice principle walking up behind him "Aiden" she said in a kind but stern tone before starting to say the American pledge.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands for one nation" Aiden and the vice principle said in sync with smiles, though Aiden's smile was fake.

Outside the school Davina was currently driving around the parking lot, searching for an empty space to park her car. "Oh look there" Josh said pointing to an empty space and Davina drove forward, heading for the space.

"Davina, watch out, watch out" Josh stated as a white car drove forward into the spot. There were three girls in the car and all of them laughed "you snooze you lose" they chimed at the same time. The girls got out of the car and Josh sighed "well if it isn't Elena Gilbert and her ladies in waiting and her brother Jeremy" he said in awe as a guy got out after them.

"He...I mean she is so hot" Josh stated his gaze had been on Jeremy, Elena's brother but he realized what he had been about to say and stopped himself. He glanced nervously at Davina hoping she didn't notice his slip up.

"She wants me so bad" he said shaking his head though his eyes were on Jeremy "you've never even talked to her before" Davina pointed out with a frown. She didn't get why he fawned over Elena when they never spoke two words to each other.

"Oh, I've talked to her, okay?" Josh stated "when?" Davina asked looking at him "in my mind and let me tell you. In my mind she wants me so bad" he replied looking back at the little popular group, though his eyes were still on Jeremy. Needless to say, he had the biggest crush on the guy.

"Josh you could do so much better than Elena Gilbert, even in your mind" Davina replied it was the truth, Josh deserved better than someone who didn't even know or acknowledge him.

Josh just sighed "oh there's another spot" he said pointing out to another empty space near Elena's car.

"Got it" Davina said as she went to drive forward when a black car, blasting loud music appeared and dove straight into the spot, nearly colliding with her car in the progress.

Davina and Josh watched as Enzo and Damon climbed out the car followed by one more guy, the quarterback and most popular guy in the school, Kol Mikaelson. The guy every guy in the school wants to be or befriend and the guy every girl wants to be with. He's also the guy that every teacher adores, he's not like a teacher's pet who sucks up to them, teacher's just really like him.

Time seemed to freeze for a single moment as Davina watched Kol fully emerge from the vehicle and casually lift up his keys, pressing the key to his car which automatically locked it. He walked round the car, joining his friends as they greeted Elena and her friends.

"Kol" Elena greeted as she walked over to him with a flirty smile "people like Kol and Elena are genetically programmed to find each other" Davina started "like how can so much ego be in one relationship?" she questioned looking at her best friend.

"Imagine what they say about you?" Josh retorted and she sighed "they don't even know I exist" she retorted "stalker alert at o'clock" Bonnie said pointing to them and Elena took the megaphone from Caroline.

"The white zone is for cool people only. No geeks" she stated speaking through the megaphone and later flashing a fake smile at them. 

"Hey diner girl, can I get a breakfast burrito to go? Thank you" Damon asked teasingly raising his hand making the girls laugh along with Enzo and Jeremy.

"And you thought they didn't know you exist" Josh said looking at Davina who looked embarrassed, but it wasn't like it was something new. She was used to being teased.


Elena, Bonnie and Caroline were walking down the halls of the school "move. Move" they said making people part out of the way so they could make their way through.

"Hi" Genevieve greeted as she and Mary-Alice appeared out of nowhere "Elena, hey, sister-friend" Mary-Alice greeted with a wide grin and a wave. Their smiles somewhat faded as Elena and her friends walked past them.

"Remind me, why we tolerate them?" Elena questioned glancing at her two friends "they gave you a Prada bag for your birthday" Bonnie explained and Caroline scoffed "try frada bag. Totally fake" she said in a snotty tone.

Davina and Josh were walking down a hallway when she was stopped by Tim, a fellow classmate "greetings Davina, you look absolutely stunning today, as per usual" he stated with a smile "thank you Tim" she replied with a kind smile.

"If you would excuse me, I have to get back to my galaxy now" Tim stated as he pulled up a walkie talkie like thing which had an aerial sticking out the top. "Zion, lieutenant Tim here. Hello?" he spoke as he walked away.

"Poor guy" Josh stated as they watched Tim walk away, still talking to the walkie talkie "at least he's happy" Davina retorted not seeing any problem if it's something that makes him happy.

"Happy? The guy lives in another world" Josh retorted still looking at Tim as he started making weird alien like noises. "Sometimes fantasy is better than reality Josh" Davina replied as they started walking again when Davina's phone beeped making a smile appear on her face.

"Speaking of fantasy" Josh stated raising an eyebrow "I'll see you later" Davina said as she held her phone in her hands. "Yes, the secret admirer calls" Josh replied and Davina just smiled as she walked off.

Davina found a spot outside the courtyard and sat herself down on a round stone bench which had a large statue in the middle of it. A smile appeared on her face as a message from her online pen pal popped up. Nomad, that was his online name, so she didn't know his actual name, but he didn't know hers either.

Nomad: Where have you been? We haven't talked in ages

Princeton girl: We talked this morning

Nomad: I can't stop thinking about you

Davina blushed and bit her lip before another text message came from him

Nomad: What's on your mind right now?

Princeton girl: You first?

Nomad: Well, I'm thinking that Professor Rothman's dissected one too many frogs

This made Davina look up and see said teacher spitting out pieces of an apple that he was eating. 

Nomad: Ribet, Ribet

Davina giggled at this before looking up and looking around trying to see if she could see him but there were so many people on their phones.

Princeton girl: laugh out loud

Nomad: I wanna hear your laugh. When can we finally meet?

The door rang after that, so she picked up her bag and headed back inside. On the other side of the bench was Kol looking down at his phone.

Princeton girl: soon

He stared at the message for a few seconds before putting it away as Enzo and Damon over to him and started rough housing with him making him playfully shove them off as they headed into the building.

End of chapter

What did you think? Are you enjoying the story so far even though there's only been 3 chapters? Let me know xx

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