Kapter 4

475 23 13

Hawks took her back to the Hero Commission Headquarters after she got treated for her wounds.

And being the Number 2 Hero by the Commission he had more priority rights then others within the committee. Meaning if he wanted a meeting he could get one.

And that's exactly what he did.

He requested a meeting as an urgent matter as they accepted seeing how it involved Viper's failed case.

He was able to make sure ______ was bandaged up before they made their way to the meeting where ______ knew she'd get an earful.

Hawks looked at them as he told them everything about her mission and what had happened, _____ just agreeing to it until Hawks suggested a search for the boss after _____ gave his description.

And after an hour of all that..

"We can request that. That's fine. But...Viper failed this case. We needed the mud villain alive. He had vulnerable information." A woman stated.

"That wasn't her fault. It could have happened at any moment." Hawks said in defense.

"Why didn't you attack them? If you had them all in one room- we all know you are capable of paralyzing people." A man asked ______.

"I didn't have time-"

"Why didn't you attack."

"I couldn't-"

"Were you being held? Were you captured?"

"N-no I was-"

"Then you should have taken advantage of the situation and not only bring down one villain but a whole group. That is what a smart person would have done." The woman said.

Hawks glared but didn't talk back. He knew he couldn't but he just hoped _____ wouldn't take their words to heart. They were crazy to think a 16 year old could take on a group of villains on her own, even with her good training. This wasn't her fight.

_____ just nods. "You're right.."

Hawks looked at her his gaze worried before he glared and looked back at the commission.

"A failed case means probation, no?" Hawks reminds them.

______ looked at him her eyes widening as she didn't believe he'd say that.

"Oh, well that's mainly for more salient cases..hmm but seeing how this is connected to her past and the League it makes sense to put her in detention." The man said

"Viper, that concludes this. You are not to work on this mission. Nor work on any other projects until your probation ends." The woman said before _____ looked at them all like they were crazy.

"W-what!? No! Hawks why would you!? I can fight!"

"It's safer this way." The woman said

"If this new group is as dangerous as the League then we must protect our younger heroes. Or in your case our spies. We need you for other purposes. So we won't risk your life in this matter." The man said "..and we must make sure the emotional ones don't get in the way."

"I'm not- I..but what am I suppose to do.." she said looking at the ground. "I've never been on probation sir..I can't just stop my mission-"

"That's enough. It's already been decided." The man said raising his hand.

Hawks looked at them.

"I'd like to request the previous idea I had. Let her take a place at UA with Eraserhead. She can work with that class..it'll keep the kid busy." Hawks suggested.

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