End of the Stories

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Hello again!

  You have reached the end of the holiday specials. I hope you enjoyed your reading. I do apologize if any of the chapters were a bit disappointing as I didn't have as much time as I would have wanted to work on them.

  As we know, some of the stories were cut out because a few reasons so I do want to do all of them next time I do a project like this. Perhaps I can do this same thing for other holidays.

  Anyway, I want thank all of you for being understanding as to why I had to shorten the book length. This book will remain published until two weeks after New Years... unless you change my mind to keep it up all year round.

Thank you once more for joining me on this holiday adventure and I hope you liked this book.

Love ya and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays!

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