Family Memories

170 11 2

Ink's POV

  I placed the platter of bacon on the island before returning to the stove. Reaper helped cook breakfast since Mama Queen was cleaning the living room. Error and Geno were outside shoveling the snow off the large driveway while keeping a watchful eye on the children that played in the yard.

  Like always, our two families would gather at the Queen residence and stay for two weeks to spend the holidays together as one big group.

  When I turned around, I saw Reaper stealing a piece of chocolate from the small container on the counter.

Me: Geno's going to punch the shit out of you if he founds out you're taking an important ingredient from the cookies when we bake later.

  I said, not looking away from the task at hand.

Reaper: He doesn't have to know. It'll be our little secret.

  He responded with a mischievous tone.

Me: I don't know. Geno is good at getting people to talk. He's scary like that... or it might because that one of his eyes are messed up.

  I heard a small chuckle come from Geno's husband. Our attentions were brought to the door when we heard it creak open. We saw both Error and his older brother walk into the house.

  Their jackets were covered with snowflakes and their boots had a thick layer of snow covering them. Both of their faces were flushed from the freezing cold temperature.

Me: Are you two done? You finished way earlier than I expected.

  I asked, Error walking over to me after taking off his outer layers and shoes. He kissed me on the head and then leaned against the wall.

Error: No, we didn't. We thought it would be good if we took a small break. And besides... someone is getting old.

  He loudly whispered while motioning towards Geno. His older brother looked at him with a glare.

Geno: Kiss my ass, Error.

  After my brother-in-law's statement, I could hear mom say "Language" softly to herself in the living room.

Error: No thank you. I am happily married to Ink.

  My husband said with a childish grin.

Reaper: How are the kids?

Error: They're fine. I've been watching them. A bit of falls here and there but the snow cushions it. Although Gray and Raven had a small fight but it resolved quickly.

Me: What happened?

  Error shrugged as a way to tell me that he didn't know.

Geno: I believe Raven was playing really rough and it got on Gray's nerves.

  He sighed before helping me set the table for breakfast. Error and Reaper moved the platters and placed them in the center. Mom sent Dad to retrieve the children while she quickly finished her cleaning.

  Once everything was put together, our family sat at the dining table. Mom and dad were at the end of the table, Raven and Goth were with their parents, and Gray and PJ were with us. We discussed the plans for the day while enjoying our newly cooked breakfast.

(Time Skip)

  I leaned against Error's body, feeling the warmth from the soul within his chest. My husband nuzzled into my brown scarf before kissing my cheek.

Error: Are you okay, Inky?

Me: Yeah. Why do you ask?

Error: I'm just making sure you're not cold since you can't generate your own body heat.

Me: I'll be fine.

  I smiled reassuringly to him. He didn't respond but gave me a comforted expression. Our little moment of affection was interrupted by Jammy. He appeared at the side of the couch with an exited smile.

PJ: Can we go play outside?

Me: Of course. Don't forget to put on your jacket.

  He ran off with the rest of the children following behind him. They didn't waste any second to get on their outer clothing before running outside. Error sighed at their impatience and eagerness to go out into the cold.

Error: They'll probably die if we don't go with them.

  The four of us, who were sitting comfortably on the couch in the warm living room, stood up and got dressed for the winter. I quickly brewed a small thermos of coffee to keep me warm while watching the kids.

  Walking outside, I was instantly met with the bitter breeze of the winter season. The type of breeze that bit at your cheeks and made the tips of your fingers sting. Snow had covered almost every bit of space that it could and icicles had begun to form on the edge of the roof.

  I saw the children running around in circles, throwing snowballs at one another. Error, Geno, and Reaper were watching them from under the large tree that grew in the front yard. I joined my husband's side as I took a sip of my burning hot beverage.

Error: You sure you don't want to stay in the living room?

Me: I'm okay.

Error: Alright. Just let me know whe-

  He was suddenly cut off by a snowball to the face. I tried my best to hold in my sudden urge to laugh. Error sighed while wiping off the snow from his cheek. He glared at the children, seeing both Raven and Jammy. Raven pointed towards our second born.

My husband kneeled down and gathered a bit of snow before looking at Jammy.

Error: You should run.

Our child bolted off, trying to find shelter. My husband threw the snowball which hit Jammy's back, knocking him into the snow. He smiled as the child quickly got to his feet and hid behind the tree.

(Time Skip)

I laid in bed, staring at my phone. It was early in the morning as we were up with the children for Christmas. They were excited to open their gifts to which we always waited to do at night.

  The door opened, letting in the dim light from the hallway. Error walked in while releasing a small relaxed breath. He took off his jacket before folding it and putting it on the chair near the door.

Me: Are the kids asleep?

Error: Yeah. They are passed out. Didn't even make it to their beds. I had to carry them.

He climbed under the covers, cuddling into me and laying an arm over my waist.

Error: I love you, Inky.

Error said while kissing the back of my neck. I turned my phone off and shifted over to face him, giving a smile to him.

Me: I love you too.

We kissed each other one more time before resting our heads on the pillows.

Me: Merry Christmas, Ruru.

Error: ...

Merry Christmas

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