Chapter 22

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"Jug? We are home" Veronica called, opening the door with Fred's key, who was carrying the luggage from the cab.

No answer.

Veronica furrowed her brows, walking through the house — first floor at first, looking in the living room, the kitchen, then down to the hall to the bathroom and garage. No Jughead. Next the second floor, his bedroom, her room, the second bathroom and lastly Archie's old room. No Jughead.

"He's not here..." She mumbled, walking back in the hallway, stepping aside to make way for Fred with the luggage. Hermione set down her purse on the table before taking out her phone.

"Let's call him first before we worry" Hermione said, trying to call him — three times. No answer.

"Can I worry now?" Veronica asked. Fred walked over to them.

"What's wrong?"

"Jug is not here"

"You know him. He will probably come before the next morning" Fred said, wanting to calm both of them down. Veronica and Hermione locked eyes — a silent communication that this was not the truth, that something was wrong.

Why else would Archie leave so suddenly?

"I'll make something to eat, yeah?" Fred asked, giving Hermione a kiss before walking in the kitchen.

"I'll call his friends"

"I'll go search for him" Veronica said "Can I use the car?"

"Of course" The girl nodded, grabbing the keys before she left the house again. Veronica looked at his usual places first: Pops, the White Wrym. No sight of him. Pop hadn't even seen him in two weeks, which was really worrisome.

She exhaled, sitting down in the car again, her fingers drumming on the steering wheel as she thought about places where Jughead would usually be as well. Veronica got out her phone to call him, maybe, just maybe if she was lucky, he would answer. Of course he didn't. Sighing, she started the motor again, starting to drive home. On her way back, she drove by the park and then drove to the side of the street before stopping it. Locking the car, she already took a quick look around the park before stepping through the gates.

It wasn't long until she found him, curled up to a bench. He didn't even sit on it but on the ground next to it. Veronica sighed relieved, texting Hermione that she found him before putting her phone away and walking over.

"What are you doing here, Jug?" He looked up for a second before curling up more "Do you want to come home with me?" He shook his head "Why not?"

"Because I'm not- I can't." Veronica crouched down in front of him, taking a closer look on him before exhaling softly.

"What did you take?"


"What did you take? Your pupils are almost just black and you're shaking"

"Not much"

"What means, not much?"

"I don't know! I don't- remember" He swallowed "and I can't go home"

"Why not?"

"I can't- do this anymore, Veronica" This was gong to be a longer talk, so Veronica just settled down next to him.

"What exactly?"

"Everything. I can't- have people keep on- I can't deal with anyone else leaving me"

"I'm not leaving"

"All people do eventually"

"I'm not. Mom is not. Fred is not. We are here to stay"

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