"Our, diamond, the Grooviest Bass player. John Deacon!" Freddie introduced gesturing gaily at Deaky.

Felicity never knew his real name was John, she just assumed he went by Deaky. She preffered the nickname anyway, so when Deaky did a bass slide, the crowd went just as wild for his presence. It quickly died down as they were readying for Freddie to speak again.

"Our staggering drummer, and a real ladies man... Roger Taylor!"

Roger practically attacked the drum kit as he performed a flashy fill. Felicity noticed the crowd erupt in furthermore cheers and woops. Claps and cries of swooning girls in the crowd. Felicity let out an un-ladylike snort as some of the girls in the crowd screamed:

"I'll stagger for you Roger!"

Felicity watched intently, as Roger rolled his tongue around the inside of his mouth. He too stifled a laugh, as she watched how his features glided from one soft expression to another.

"And I'm Freddie." Felicity snapped back to the front man, who received just as must applause as everyone else.

He raised a tambourine to the air; Freddie began to pat his free hand against the percussion instrument.

Brian joined in next, scratching away muted guitar chords, while Deaky's Bass began to thrum. Freddie kept the main rhythm with his tambourine. All before Roger performed another drum fill, which introduced the drum routine.

Felicity watched as he practically shagged the drum kit right off the bat. Bringing the sticks down against each drum with so much power; that Brian and Deaky had to play harder and stronger. Even Freddie amped himself up a bit.

Dancing about the stage like he'd been doing the job for years. Slapping his tambourine so passionately down to his thigh, while the other hand clutched the microphone stand tightly.

"I was told a million times of all the troubles in my way." Freddie sang down the mic. His voice was unique, unlike any other Beatles, or musky voice she'd heard before. It was deep with a tinge of formality that ended in a rasp with each word. It was a canvas to be painted on with each lyric he sang down the microphone.

The verse went smoothly, and the crowd started to follow Freddie's abrupt movements along the stage. Dancing and swaying along to their unique sound. Brian was bopping his head, while Deaky gently swayed his hips.

The drums sped up as Roger smashed against them, his lips pursing so much that his cheekbones showed. His head banged along to each beat of the bass pedal and hit of each different drum.

Mary and Jackie were jumping up and down along with everyone else. Felicity found herself grooving along with the crowd, it was difficult to enjoy the lyrics and instrumentation of an unknown song. Let alone to dance along at the same time.

Nonetheless, she found herself jumping up and down on the wooden floorboards.

The huddle of all three were situated right at the front, and it was a perfect view. Only the barriers to the stage were stopping anyone from practically pulling Freddie down.

Brian and his mystery guitar popped out a quick little riff before the first chorus began.

"Keep yourself Alive!" Freddie thrust his fist into the air.

Felicity was jumping up and down vigorously now. It was nice being this side of the stage. The atmosphere practically glowed with enthusiasm.

The scent of girls hungry for their one night of rockstar fame, even if they were only a uni band, was passed about with each scream. Each chant of the lyrics and each cry of...

STAND BY ME-r. taylorWhere stories live. Discover now