The Unexpected (Chapter Six)

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Benedict Cannon, Los Angeles

8:00 PM

"So you went over to her house and beat her up!?" OB eyes widened as he repeated the same question in a shocked tone.

It was the day after Kenya finally got her revenge. To say she was happy would be a lie.

She was still sad on the inside but she was trying to be strong for her Chubbs's neck snapped at his girlfriend as did the rest of the guys which caused to cut her eyes on her brother.

"You just had to open your big mouth, didn't you Troy!?" Troy placed his hands up in defense making her roll her eyes at the fact that the guys now knew.

And if the guys knew then Aubrey would be the next to find out.

"Because you showed her out. I don't give two fucks what anyone has to say we did what had to be done period." Troy, who was currently eating an apple, cut a piece and placed it into his mouth. His face was of stone, emotionless.

So what if they knew? They both didn't give two shits. Sophie may have permanently caused damage to their sister and she just gets to walk free? Hell no!

"If I were Kenya i would've fucked her ass up too. Y'all lucky she has self control and Sophie isn't in the hospital right now" Troy said taking an apple from the set in the bowl.

Troy's heart held no remorse looking on at their shocked faces. Kenya saw the looks on their faces as well and felt herself becoming angry.

"And what's the problem? Till now nobody has done anything to hold that bitch accountable for the condition my sister is in because of said bitch. I don't give a fuck whose mad cause I'm mad! I'm freaking angry that my sister is missing precious time with her babies, Promise grows every day and she's not here to witness that . She's not here to help Adonis with his homework. He misses his baking buddy, those little pep talks when we're all feeling down I miss those!" Kenya stood up out of her seat pointing at them. She felt the tears slowly forming.

If I wasn't because of Adonis Kenya would've reported Sophie to the police that very day but she had to have a heart for his sake.

"I miss the way we would constantly joke around and Miss Sandi would have to scold me for cursing, I miss seeing her smile, seeing her happy with the people she loves. Like it or not she's the glue that holds this family together. So yes i put Sophie in her place…" She quickly wiped the tears away that threatened to fall.

"I stand here and look at your faces and it tells me that you're shocked. Well you should not be, you shouldn't be shocked by what I did because I'll do that a hundred times over and i'm sure as hell not sorry about it and I won't apologize so when you tell Aubrey make sure you tell him that too. You all act as if Sophie is this God, you protect her just the same and it's sad, nobody has defended my sister and when she wakes up I hope, I just hope that you dont act like cowards- It's sad that it's come to this and if you're even the littlest bit upset because of what I did well that's your problem!" Chubbs walked up to her and tried to console her but she was not having it.

"Let's just talk-" she quickly stopped him from continuing his sentence with a hand to the face. She wasn't mad at him but Chubbs knew how Kenya got when she got worked up, how dangerous it could be for the people around her.

"Babygirl please just calm down!" Chubbs's said subtly. 

Kenya took a look at her lover and then back at her brother's, before she said something that would most likely hurt their feelings anymore she decided to leave.

"For Sophie's sake she better pray that my sister wakes up or I'll kill her"

Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles

9:00 AM

Like every other day for the past two and a half months Aubrey's daily routine consisted of all things Adrianne. Not that consisted of much because all she did every single day was sleep. He hadn't gotten much of that in that time period if he did because at some point in the night he'd fallen asleep.

His daily routine entailed watching her, helping the nurses in cleaning her up, praying and keeping her lips hydrated NY rubbing ice chips on them.

His prayers had managed to get him out of his depressive state a little bit but it still held him captive. He just wanted her back, he was tired of not being able to hold her in his arms, have conversations like they regularly would.

He missed her caresses, seeing her with the kids and most of all he missed her beautiful smile.

Aubrey took a sip of his coffee courtesy one of the nurses that was assigned specifically by doctor Richardson.

Leaning forward he placed the coffee cup on the bedside table and took her hand into his.

Using his thumb he brushed it back and forth onto her skin feeling its increased warmth, his face frowned using his spare to feel her arm. She was burning up.

Doctor Richardson let Aubrey know beforehand that her body temperatures could fluctuate from time to time; it meant that her hypothalamus, a small part of the brain, was causing the blood vessels to dilate. 

In Adrianne's case although the severe damage wasn't done to her brain it did to one of her major organs which the blood vessels supply blood too. That caused the hypothalamus to become a little bit too active and dilate too much.

This time however, her body heat was a little too hot causing Aubrey to now become worried.

Then- suddenly….a miracle happened. The same miracle that Aubrey had been praying for.

He felt a light squeeze from her hands on his, causing him to look at their hands and then back up at her.

"A-aubrey…" Her words were slurred and raspy. She stuttered a bit but he still heard her call for him despite the softness in her voice.

It's been a long time since he'd left the hospital room so he thought his mind had to be playing tricks on him. 

But the devil was a lier!

"Aubrey, aubrey…." He heard her call for him again. Aubrey felt his heart skip a beat and in that moment he froze completely like ice.

Will Adrianne wake up?

What's gonna happen next? Stay tuned to find out.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to add this book to your libraries libraries 😘.

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