Failed Plans & Spilt Tea (Chapter Three)

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Sophie's Home Toronto, Canada

2:00 PM

Sophie sat in her living room with her two best friends Lauren and Amanda.

They were the only two people she had to lean on at this point, especially now that she'd completely ruined any chances of her and her child's father ever getting back together. 

Not like there was any chance to begin with.

She had mixed emotions. Sadness, envy, anger, guilt and remorse were just some of the emotions she was feeling. Never before in all her twenty-eight years of life had she done something of this caliber.

From the very start she fell in love with Aubrey but the way she went about things was a bit unconventional some would say.

Sophie was disappointed in herself but thankful that Aubrey had it in his heart to not have her arrested. She needed to be in her son's life. To see him grow and flourish into the amazing human being she knew that he was.

In the past, she admitted to herself that she wasn't that good of a mother. Instead of focusing on her son she tried to use him as a pawn to lure Aubrey in closer to her. She hadn't realized that her actions would have the severe consequences that followed.

Sophie had realized that Adonis had taken a much heavier liking to Adrianne than she had expected. She hadn't been present emotionally for him but nevertheless Adonis still loved her because in his mind he had two moms.

Both with different personalities, attributes and personal presence. Sophie's had been a bit more distant while Adrianne was a bit more present. Never once did Adrianne try to take Sophie's place.

That line of respect was never crossed, not one time.

She envied her. Sophie envied Adrianne. She was jealous of the woman that she was.

She had Aubrey's full attention all.the. time. He never shied away from showing her just how much he truly loved her.

It made her so angry inside. For years she tried to lure him in with her spontaneous personality and her killer physique but it was all with the wrong things.

Adrianne possed those things.

"I failed….." Placing the wine glass filled with deep red liquid to her thin pink lips she took a sip, Sophie sighed.

"Oh babe- we can still come up with another plan. I mean if she dies then he'll have no choice but to come back" Lauren's insensitive words made Amanda snap her neck at her.

"What?!" Exclaimed Lauren. Sophie looked up between her two friends.

Amanda couldn't help but to scoff with a chuckle. "I cannot believe those words just came out of your mouth Lauren. The thing that surprises me the most is the fact that you're so nonchalant about what you just said. Adrianne could die?! Do you not understand what could happen to Sophie if she does?!" Lauren rolled her eyes at what Amanda said.

"Please, Aubrey would never let anything happen to Sophie. Are you forgetting that she is his child's mother? Come on Amanda, make it make sense!" Lauren snapped her fingers before drinking the last bit of her wine.

"Are you really that dumb? Hospital protocol says that they are required to report cases like Adrianne's to the police-"  Sophie's eyes went wide and Lauren sucked her teeth.

"Aubrey has power and money. Lots of it, so I am sure that'll never happen!" Amanda couldn't believe what she was hearing. Then again she was the sensible one of the group.

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