Kenya's Lick Back (Chapter Five)

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Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles

5:00 PM

In sickness and in health....something that two individuals promise each other on their wedding day to live by for the rest of their lives.

Only in this case they weren't bonded together by marriage legally but in his mind they already were husband and wife. They didn't just meet by accident, faith had brought them together.

Faith is just what he needed more of in that moment along with patience.

When doctor Richardson came to brief him on her present condition Aubrey held out hope that she would tell him that she would wake up at any time.

"But when will she wake up?!" Aubrey questioned feeling himself getting impatient.

Another week had gone by but still there were no improvements. Adrianne was sadly still in a medically induced coma.

Each day that continued to go by mentally and physically destroyed Aubrey. And although the haunting thoughts of her not waking up was emotionally tearing him apart he just couldn't bring himself to give up on her.

The immense faith that he had was starting to wear thin, just a little bit.

There was nothing, absolutely nothing he wanted more in this world right now than for the love of his life to wake up so that she could be together with their family again.

"Mr. Graham, I completely understand your frustration but we've done all that we can for your fiancé. Recovery from her condition can be a long process, which is best that we have patience and faith that God will do the rest" Explained doctor Richardson. She consoled his arm as Aubrey sighed, rubbing his temples.

She felt for him. She saw how tired he was but he still kept going...for her.

The strength he managed to have to that very moment was because of God. Only because of him.

"Can I tell you something?" Aubrey nodded his head.

"Each year, I treat patients just like Adrianne and this is the first time I've seen one of them get this far. After operations they go into cardiac arrest, we try to revive them but no luck. Adrianne is the first patient that I've had that has put up a fight like this" Aubrey's lips upturned into a small smile. Her words gave him more hope that she would in fact wake up soon.

"Don't give up on her because she hasn't given up on you, I can tell you that" Doctor Richardson smiled, turning to watch Adrianne as did Aubrey.

The Next Day....

Benedict Cannon, Los Angeles

8:00 PM

As the sun rose over Los Angeles, Kenya's thirst for revenge grew even more.

She was loyal as they came and what Sophie did to her sister, right in front of their eyes, was unforgivable.

What was done wasn't an accident and she was going to see that she got her revenge.

Through Troy's connections in LA they managed to find out that Sophie had returned there to pick up Adonis but with the way Aubrey had been feeling there was no kind of communication that gave Sophie the green light to come there.

Which was perfect because on top of that they were able to find out what hotel she was staying at.

After taking care of the kids, she and Troy left and headed over to the address of the hotel courtesy Troy's connections.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. They both stepped out and began making their way down the halls searching for her room number.

Giving the receptionist the story about her being her adoptive sister went a long way.

"Troy I found it!" She whispered-yelled to her brother who was two doors down ahead of her.

Not waiting for her brother she used the key that was given to her. Twisting the handle she barged open into the room with Troy right behind her.

Sophie and her bestie Lauren's facial expressions resembled that of if they had just seen Casper himself.

Kenya wasted no time, before Sophie or Lauren got a chance Kenya began beating their asses. Troy took a seat and pulled his phone out, this would be too good for them to reminisce on later.

Kenya delivered punches to their faces, used her foot but then stopped for a breather fixing her hair.

"Alright, let's go. We got places to be." Troy got up saying.

"You're one lucky bitch Sophie!" Kenya managed to breathe out.

Sophie used one of her hands to hold her stomach and the other to soothe her side from her just being kicked and punched in.

"Let this be your last warning bitch, stay away from my family. The next time you do some shit to Adrianne or you even try to destroy what she and Aubrey have, I'll kill you myself, believe that!" With that she walked out behind Troy.

Sophie was left to process what had just happened to her.

Kenya on the other hand wasn't feeling an ounce of remorse AT ALL. She had gotten her sweet revenge.

Kenya finally got her lick back how do we feel?

Poor Adrianne🥺 Hopefully she'll wake up soon.

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