3. Their favourite Disny/Pixar songs

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Someday, Z-O-M-B-I-E-S

The song reminds him of the separation of Socs and Greasers, but then also of his friendship with Cherry that proved Socs and Greasers ain't different, though people think that.

Proud Corazon, Coco

The movie just made him cry, and made him rethink of how valuable life is. It just reminds him to value life more, especially his own, and how worth it it can be.

Status Quo, High School Musical

This is probably the only Disney movie Soda watched, other than the lion king, but you know movies aren't his thing. But he just thinks the song is the funniest thing he's ever seen, cause it's so random and goofy, nothing too deep. (His favourite part is the chorus btw)

Il gatto e la volpe, Luca
Does he understand it, no. But it's a bop, and he finds it gets stuck in his head a lot. He just hums it a lot really.

Arabian Nights, Aladdin
He just likes it, he barely remembers anything that goes on in the movie but he likes the song, and Genie, Genie is his favourite character. If he hears it, he will stop everything, sing it, then continue like nothing happened.

You'll be in my heart, Tarzan

It just reminds him of his little sister, because she likes Tarzan so much, he associates it with her, also his sister calls him Tarzan so, she says they behave exactly the same and stuff like that. He thought that was a compliment until he thought about it somemore...

Where you are, Moana

He just thinks it's a cute song about family, and thinks Pony is like Moana, will accomplish great things in the world, but could get himself killed as Moana almost drowned twice, but you know that happiness is where you are, it's not a place, it's the people your with.

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