8. 'Couple' things you do together

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Rolling around, sometimes you and Pony will just get onto the floor and roll places you want to go, when you do this, or what to, you announce "Let's Roll," you'll drop to the ground and do that until somebody eventually gives up and walks, when you see that happen the other, still on the floor wins, you will negotiate what you get as the winner, like small gifts, and you guys often get bruises from rolling into tables, chairs and stuff like that. The gang doesn't question it.

Singing. Like "Meena singing happy birthday(from Sing)" kinda singing, to any song that comes to mind, especially childrens nursery rhymes, and screeching in attempt of reaching eyes notes, and clapping when you 2 do so 'amazing', and just being goofy about it. And also singing making fun of cringey love songs and being overly touchy and 'romantic'.

Licking each other. Not regularly but sometimes one of you will do it just to be a dick. One of you would be going in for a kiss, especially on the cheeks and lick the other; they end up whining trying to get saliva off there face, or you'd be holding hands and one would like another's hand. Just something gross you two do, and sometimes you find yourselves chasing each other to wipe the saliva off them. The gang finds you two disgusting for this except Two-Bit who couldn't care less, but also laughes at you two.

You two have a secret language. Just to annoying people, to share secrets, to talk shit about people, you name it! At first it was a joke of you two speaking gibberish, and claiming that they know what the other is saying to the gang, but it's become it's own language. You can't form sentences but you can't say key words, to signal what the other is talking about. Does Steve end up just insulting Ponyboy and you have to listen to that, yes.

Pole dancing😈, not for real though, sometimes if you find a 'pole' like a street sign, street light, basketball hoop, etc. one will pay the other to go dance on the pole which ends up with one of you spinning yourself on a pole and the other will hype you up. Do you guys often fall, trip and hurt yourselfs, there isn't a time you haven't but it's fun, you two just being immature.

Making mean jokes, sometimes to people's faces, and laughing at them. You guys can't help yourselves and Two-Bit always starts it, you guys would start laughing if somebody coughed, you 2 aren't mean, you just have no filter. So you guys will insult the shit outta everyone you see including each other, especially each other, then getting mad because one of you got to personal, like jokes about missing parents, fake friends, and worse. This is an ugly side of your relationship. But most of the time you forgive and forget.

PDA, and kissing infront of the gang, not just a regular kiss a superlong romantic kiss like an old married couple to annoy them only, otherwise PDA is not your thing, you two just wanna rub it in that you're dating. At first you thought it was embarrassing as Darry started it but you two do it all the time now, and flirting; cliche, cringey, cheesey flirting and pick lines, can't forget those.

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